
Application Deadline Dates:

  • March 31st, 2019 - Application Deadline
  • April 30th, 2019 - Notification of Acceptance

Application Instructions:

  • A completed application includes:

1) CV, including titles of courses taken and grade received

2) Letter of support from at least 1 faculty advisor

3) Cover Letter (Maximum 1-page) that addresses:

a) Your motivation for attending the summer institute

b) Your current exposure to behavioral research to date

c) Your self-assessment of strengths/weaknesses in terms of methodologies (e.g., lab experiments, field experiments, secondary data analysis, analytical models) and what methodology (or multiple) you are most likely to use to execute behavioral research in the future

d) Your intended timeline for graduation, and post-graduation plans

4) (Optional) Sample research paper

  • Submit your application in .pdf form here

Admission criteria:

  • Strength of candidate's research potential (does not depend on prior knowledge of behavioral research)
  • Strength of faculty advisor's letter of support
  • Candidate's level of interest in conducting behavioral operations management research
  • Diversity in the cohort (including institutional and methodological diversity)