
Parent Talk

How to Talk to Kids About Difficult Subjects

In a world where even little kids learn about horrific subjects, it's important for parents to put things in perspective, field questions, and search for answers together. One of the toughest jobs of parenting is talking to your kids about difficult subjects. Below we've provided a link to assist parents with tackling many of these challenging conversations.

Topics: Coronavirus Support, Healthy Media Habits, News and Media Literacy, Technology Addiction

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris

The woman in this video discusses what (ACES) are and how they can affect us long term.


Below, I have Listed "time-stamps" for important topics that she discusses, but I highly recommend watching the whole video!


The 4 styles of Parenting

Raising Independent Problem Solvers!

Being a parent is about continuously learning and setting the bar for our children and their future prospects. Self-awareness and a good balance of structure & support are the keys to making sure our children lead happy fulfilling lives.

With that being said, the way we decide to parent our children is crucial to their future development. We must raise our children to be independent thinkers and problem solvers.

Please explore these different 4 styles of parenting and find out what kind of parent you had as a child. Think about how they have impacted you as a person and how your style of parenting either differs or remains the same.

Take the quiz: ⏩ "What Type of Parent Are You?"

Click this link for: ⏩ "Information about the "4 Major Parenting Styles" pictured below.