Body Image on the Internet

The influence of the internet, social media, and Body Positivity movements on body image. 


The Body Positivity Movement

The Body Positivity movement developed online as a rejection of the constant promotion of unrealistic beauty standards online and how they in turn can create body image issues and eating disorders. These posts are popularized on Instagram and often involve images of diverse body sizes and appearances along with captions that promote body positivity and acceptance. While the body positivity movement has been growing on social media, there is still hardly any research that proves it provides a positive impact on those with body image issues. Along with this, there is also criticism against the movement, instead focusing on body neutrality. These criticisms claim that body positivity actually creates a newfound pressure on women to "love" their bodies and their "flaws", thus making women feel bad when they don't love every part of their body. Another criticism is that body positive posts still revolve around physical appearances, and less on mental and physical health. Even still, the body positivity movement has grown into a widespread phenomenon on the internet, involving special organizations built to fight against negative body image idealization on the internet (Cohen et al., 2021).



An overview of the subtopics:

The widespread reach of online body positivity movements can be greatly beneficial, but its accessibility and publicity breeds opportunity for sexualization, objectification, and commercialization. These issues do not discount the strides made by the body positivity movement, but we need to be aware of its potential dangers. 

Gender identity and expression play a significant role in body satisfaction. While online self-presentation does not determine the quality of body satisfaction, it is a major component of body image. More specifically, SNS and other online platforms allow for LGBTQ+ users, as well as cisgender users, to safely and comfortably explore their gender identity and assess its contribution to overall body image (dis)satisfaction. 

The Body Positivity movement focuses mainly on women, but how does the internet affect body image in men? Can men in sports face issues with their own body image as they perceive others in their sport online? What about non-traditional images of men? How are men in makeup perceived online?

Adolescents are arguably the most susceptible to body image issues derived from the internet. Adolescents spend most of their time on the internet, as this is a way to help them as they form their identities. What are the issues adolescents can face in terms of body image on the internet? How does the psychology of selfies affect adolescents?

What are some ways to help fight against body image issues?