

Congratulations on your acceptance to NTUST’s Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering!

Perhaps you’re still waiting on your acceptance, or possibly you are someone who is having second thoughts due to personal or career ambitions. Regardless which category you fall into it would be prudent to consider the following: what are your strengths?, what is your expertise in?, and, what do you hope to learn during your study here?

Background & Introduction

If you you like to gain a deeper understanding into the BMW lab such as: the current research the lab is working on, team structure, and internship opportunities, we ask you to take a few moment’s to read through our lab introduction and to read Professor Cheng’s letter to new students.

Ian Joseph’s Introduction to the BMW Lab

After more than 10 years of our students’ hard work an efficient and selfless sharing environment has developed. This is a major contributing factor to continually drawing in first-class talented students to the lab. The wide variety of topics being researched encourages students to consider their life plans and goal’s early and will spur you on to find the path that is most suitable for your own personal goals.. Additionally, each week students practice English skills in interdisciplinary and multinational teams. Students develop critical skills in time management and learn how to properly trade-off priorities.

Student’s practical and team-based skills are harnessed through a variety of mediums. As student’s have the possibility in engaging in various programs and internships such as: dual degree programs with schools in the Czech Republic, United States, etc., internships with Eurecom in France, participating in 5G open source projects, or the production and development of Internet of Things (IoT).

Introspection Before Joining

  • What is your current expertise?

  • What skill sets do you hope to acquire in the future?

  • What personal cost do you foresee in acquiring those skills?

  • Remember: It is difficult to understand yourself, only after understanding your own strengths and weaknesses can you.

  • Do not let your personal background hold you back. Maintaining a positive attitude and determination towards learning are the keys to graduation.