I know that all four green lights means on, got that much but I am not sure how to tell that it is off. When I hold the button in and get four yellow or orange lights does that mean that it is in the off position or that it is ready to pair with my iPad? I know it is a stupid question but I don't see a definitive answer on the off position anywhere. Thanks for helping in my ignorance.

PS) If my answer solved your problem, would you mind marking it as "Best Answer"? That'll help the rest of the community find what they're looking for. If not, just write back, and I'll continue to help. Thanks!

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Thank you for taking the time to answer such a silly question but if you don't know, you don't know... this is all new to me and I appreciate the indulgence to silly questions. I'll probably have a few more. Thank you!

@RC_MD - While we don't currently offer this feature, we are always looking into better ways to improve our sellers' experience with our readers. I'll be sure to pass along this particular suggestion. Thanks for taking the time to share!

Who are you to tell someone else what they do and don't need to do? The person stated that they would like to turn it off. It is none of your business why. If you can't answer the actual question then I'm not sure why you responded.

You didn't actually answer his question which was CAN the reader be turned off??? I have the same question. Why the ambiguity?? Please answer the question and let us worry about what we should and shouldn't be concerned with. As a matter of fact, I'm concerned about the ambiguity concerning turning the reader off. HOW DO you turn the reader off?? Thank you.

I suspect that it might be an easy fix to update the firmware so that a long button press turns off the reader. Where I live in Canada it is very VERY cold during the winter, and as a mobile service I find that I have to charge the device daily, yet I only use it a maximum of 4 times a day. To me it would make sense to have the ability to turn it off. If the firmware saw a long button press (say 3 seconds) to indicate a request to power down, that would save the battery charge for when it's needed.

In total agreement. I'm sorry to hear that you have to manage the device as often as you do to ensure you have it ready to go when needed. Hopefully there'll be a real solution provided soon. Happy selling, in the meantime.

Offline payments are processed automatically when you reconnect your device to the internet and will be declined if you do not reconnect to the internet within 24 hours of taking your first offline payment. By enabling offline payments, you are responsible for any expired, declined, or disputed payments accepted while offline. Square is unable to provide customer contact information for payments declined while offline. Offline payments are not supported on older versions of Square Reader for contactless and chip (1st generation - v1 and v2). Click here for help identifying your contactless reader. Learn more about how to enable and use offline payments here.

Central Access Reader (CAR) is a free, open source, text-to-speech application designed specifically for students with print-related disabilities. CAR reads Microsoft Word documents and pasted text using the voice installed on your computer. CAR has an intuitive interface and many customizable features.

Print Disability means a disability that prevents a user from effectively utilizing print material and may include blindness, other serious visual impairments, specific learning disabilities or the inability to hold a book.

CAR is not screen-reader compatible. However, CAR can export documents as a fully accessible HTML file. We are currently working on an interface that will allow blind users to export content to HTML and MP3 independently.

No, CAR is not screen-reader compatible. However, CAR can export documents as a fully accessible HTML file. We are currently working on an interface that will allow blind users to export content to HTML and MP3 independently.

Do you have a meeting or event and want to track attendance? Are you taking payments for T-shirt sales or other items and would like to accept Lancer CA$H? If your answer is yes, then you should check-out a card reader from the Lancer Card & Campus Services Office.

Hi, Just like to tell you that this piece of info is one quick to the point, no nonsense, workable and effective way to have as fast as possible. It worked for me and thank you for the effort. Keep up the good work.

I have been using a more general idea of who my readers are, but having demographics on paper would be a good idea. I am currently working on this years Christmas blog/site, and with such a short season, organization is essential.

A great post with some useful information. I have recently been focussing my other business and went through the same process to map out my ideal client, however I failed to see the importance of doing this for my blog. I am now going to work on this and hopefully that will allow me to focus the blog at my desired readership.

Thanks again for an inspiring post


First, my friend Ben Blacker had me on The Writers' Panel to discuss my thoughts on networking on the picket line. We're in the nineth week of picketing and I've met something like fifty writers while picketing. And as I mention in this podcast, I also met Brandon Routh (SUPERMAN RETURNS) and his wife Courtney Ford (LEGENDS OF TOMORROW.)

And then I got to fulfill a nearly decade-long dream by appearing on a podcast hosted by another two of my friends and former co-workers, Javier Grillo-Marxauch and Jose Molina. Their show Children of Tendu is one of the greatest resources for an up-and-coming TV writer and it was an honor to speak with them about my path from internet guy to assistant to staff writer.

As a lifelong Superman fan, it is absolutely surreal to see my name on a Superman comic, let alone one with pencils by Tom Grummett - one of my favorite Superman artists. Tom was one of the artists on the book during the 90s, particularly during the period that covered the Death and Return of Superman. Tom's art is what a Superman comic should look like to me.

I lost my father to COVID in November 2020, after I'd been working on SUPERMAN & LOIS for about 8 months and only a couple months after I'd gotten a script assignment. My dad never got to see the show I'd waited my whole life to work on. He never got to see my first episode of TV, and as I started this, I was aware he'd never see my first comic book. That one especially stung because when I was younger, he bought me many of my first comics.

As the three of us writing the issue generated ideas for our stories, I landed on the second story that eventually saw print. I pitched it to Jai and Andrew as a story about the father/son relationship. Though I didn't specifically underline it was inspired by my feelings about my dad, they certainly knew what I was drawing on. Between the three of us we had several ideas and we had to whittle them down. They absolutely could have vetoed this early on... but they didn't.

Then we had to pitch our stories to our showrunner Todd Helbing. There were a couple that Todd passed on for one reason or another, but he gave the thumbs-up to "Father's Day" along with four other premises. We had to pitch three stories to our editor at DC, Andrew Marino. Andrew and Jai were supportive of "Father's Day" and it survived the culling.

After Andrew Marino approved the story, I told him about how it was a tribute to my dad and asked if there was any way it would be possible to dedicate it to him. He was immediately supportive of it, much to my gratitude.

To Todd, Jai, Andrew and Andrew... I lack the words to tell you what this means to me. I sent my mother and my brother advance copies of the issue and I'm at a similar loss of vocabulary when it comes to expressing how meaningful it was to all of us to pay tribute to my father, to make him a part of this experience even though he's no longer with us.

Eventually I'm going to feel like I've said "thank you" enough times. So far I haven't reached that benchmark. The entire experience of working on SUPERMAN & LOIS has been one that I'm full of gratitude for. Losing my dad is always going to be tied to my history with this show... but thanks to this issue, so is celebrating him.

We also got the most generous review from Cori McCreery, whom I know to be a massive fan of the Pre-Crisis Era of Superman. In a tweet, she said, "This was one of the best Superman comics I've read in a long time, and really captured both the feeling of my favorite era and of the show it was spun out of. Great job guys." The review made me unexpectedly emotional and I'm grateful to Cori for what she said.

I'll back up a little bit. Longtime readers of this blog - assuming any of you are still out there - are probably well aware of my affection for the WB TV series EVERWOOD. I not only once wrote a breakdown of the pilot, I also wrote a fun script called CRISIS ON INFINITE TEEN DRAMAS that incorporated the characters of Ephram Brown and Amy Abbot in a multiversal teen drama crossover.

And then amazingly, got to see Gregory Smith and Emily VanCamp perform the script for a live read a little over a year ago. My point is, there's little point in pretending I'm not an EVERWOOD superfan, or that the show hasn't been a major touchstone for me in my own writing.

So with that, imagine my delight when EVERWOOD writer and showrunner for seasons 3 and 4 Rina Mimoun joined the writers room of SUPERMAN & LOIS this year. I wasted no time in trying to get EVERWOOD stories out of her. And by no time I mean that I'm pretty sure the first thing I said to her was "Hi, I'm Adam and I'm a huge fan of EVERWOOD."

Flash-forward a couple months. The first four episodes are broken and episode five had yet to be assigned. Our writers were doubling up, so that meant that Rina and I were the only two left without an episode. That didn't necessarily mean we were going to be teamed and at one point it looked like each of us might fly solo on different eps. 152ee80cbc

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