Reading Group

Members of the reading group would be the backbone and the main workforce of the program. The program is primarily planned and designed with two pillars, namely exposition, and collaboration. In order to enhance the effectiveness and value of the program, a "Reading Group" is planned in parallel. Membership of the group does not necessarily mean a year-long commitment. And we also encourage participants to join and contribute to the reading group on the trimester to trimester or even topic to topic basis. Members of the advisory board and other experts would be frequent visitor of the reading group and will take part in discussion meetings.

"The product of mathematics is clarity and understanding. The real satisfaction from mathematics is in learning from others and sharing with others. The question of who is the first person to ever set foot on some square meter of land is really secondary."

~ William Thurston on “What can one contribute to mathematics?”


  1. We encourage members to read and work on the suggested references for every topic/talk and discuss among themselves before sharing their suggestions and doubts with us. We will convey their suggestions and doubts to the appropriate resource person. Suggestions need to be shared well in advance before a scheduled talk.

  2. We encourage members to develop their computational/programming abilities in order to benefit more from our courses. We plan to have special sessions and projects for computational tools.

  3. We encourage members to look for opportunities for collaborations and we plan to share, from time to time, open research problems/projects (related to our topics). If there would be any significant development on any project/problems between members of the group, we will request our eminent resource persons to recommend the project for grants or/and research visits.

  4. Once in a while we also expect members to volunteer for the program by co-hosting the Zoom talks, contributing to our literature section (by preparing and sharing the fair/Tex notes of seminars), and some other technical help.

  5. We also encourage members to prepare lucid presentations and collaborate on expository notes/articles meant for undergraduate and high school students. We will try to get them to publish in magazines and journals meant for exposition.

  6. We plan to support and encourage (by various means) members of groups belonging to financially weak and underrepresented communities of society.

  7. We have created a Discord server for the purpose of reading group activities and discussion among the participants. Please feel free to contact on to get the discord server link.


DOs: Keep us posted (on social apps such as Google, Telegram, Facebook and WhatsApp) about your reading, discussions, understanding and difficulties related to the course.

DON'Ts: Indecency and indiscipline will not be tolerated at any cost.

Note: We will keep updating our policies based on suggestions we receive from members and our resource persons.


Discussion Meetings - First Trimester

The purpose of discussion meetings is to address doubts and questions from the participants and develop collaboration.


Resource Person: Ravi S. Kulkarni, CUNY and BP Pune.

Topic: Topological Proof of Millington's Theorem.

Time: 4th September 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Jitendra Bajpai, MPI, Bonn.

Topic: Monodromy Group.

Time: 11th September 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Devendra Tiwari, BP, Pune.

Topic: Branched Covers of Modular Curve.

Time: 18th September 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: S. A. Katre, BP, Pune.

Topic: Hyperbolic Plane and Triangle Groups.

Time: 25th September 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Gianluca Faraco, MPI, Bonn.

Topic: Tessellations..

Time: 2nd October 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Neelima Borade, Princeton University.

Topic: Hyperbolic Tessellations. (Slides are here and some notes)

Time: 9th October 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Surya Teja Gavva, Rutgers University.

Topic: Arithmetic of Klein Quartic. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 16th October 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Mihir Sheth, IISc Bangalore.

Topic: Modular and Shimura Curves..

Time: 23rd October 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Juanita Duque Rosero, Dartmouth College.

Topic: Triangular Modular Curves.

Time: 30th October 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Shubhrajit Bhattacharya, CMI, Chennai.

Topic: Field of Definition. (Slides are here)

Time: 13th November 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Neelima Borade, Princeton.

Topic: Dessin d'enfant. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 20th November 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Debattam Das, IISER Mohali.

Topic: Torsion Free Subgroups of Triangle Groups. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 27th November 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Shubhrajit Bhattacharya, CMI, Chennai.

Topic: Field of Definition and Belyi's Theorem. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 5th December 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Shubhrajit Bhattacharya, CMI, Chennai.

Topic: Visualization of Algebraic Curves. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 11th December 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Harshwardhan Reddy, TIFR, Mumbai.

Topic: Bipartite Cuboid Graphs and Modular Group. (Slides are here and some notes are here)

Time: 18th December 2021, 19:00 Hrs (IST).

Here concludes the weekly discussion meetings of the first trimester.


Discussion Meetings - Second Trimester

The purpose of discussion meetings is to address doubts and questions from the participants and develop collaboration.


Resource Person: Shubhrajit Bhattacharya, CMI, Chennai. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Topic: Galois Theory of Local Fields.

Time: 29th January 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Surya Teja Gavva, Rutgers University.

Topic: Modular Forms. (Video is here, Slides are here and a SAGE-worksheet is here)

Time: 5th February 2022 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Gianluca Faraco, MPI Bonn. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Topic: Riemann Surfaces with Many Automorphisms.

Time: 12th February 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Harshwardhan Reddy, TIFR, Mumbai.

Topic: Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 19th February 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Shubhrajit Bhattacharya, CMI, Chennai.

Topic: An Introduction to Galois Representations. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 26th February 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Ehsan Shahoseini, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

Topic: An introduction to deformation of Galois Representations - I (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 5th March 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Ehsan Shahoseini, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

Topic: An introduction to deformation of Galois Representations - II (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 12th March 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Neha Prabhu, SPPU Pune. (Video is here)

Topic: Sato-Tate Conjecture for Elliptic Curves.

Time: 26th March 2022, 17:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Ajith Nair, CUNY. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Topic: Example of a Modular Form via Theta Functions.

Time: 2nd April 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Aniruddha S, IISER Bhopal. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Topic: Chebotarev Density Theorem and its Applications.

Time: 9th April 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: Mihir Seth, IISc Bangalore. (Video is here and Slides are here)

Topic: Revisiting Eichler-Shimura Theorem.

Time: 16th April 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).


Resource Person: William Dudarov, University of Washington, Seattle.

Topic: "Darmon's Fourteenth Lecture on Fermat's Last Theorem". (Video is here and Slides are here)

Time: 23rd April 2022, 19:00 Hrs (IST).