
-PhD Economics at London School of Economics (exp. 2025)

-MRes Economics at London School of Economics (2020)

-MSc Economics at Bocconi University (2018)

-BSc Economics at Roma Tre University (2015)


-Teaching Fellow at London School of Economics (2023-24)

-Teaching Assistant at London School of Economics (2019-23)

-Consultant at IWH-CompNet (2019-22)

-Research Assistant at European Central Bank, DG-Research (2017-18)

Awards & Grants

-Roma Tre Research Grant (2024-25)

'Empirical Analysis of Monopsonistic Labour Markets'

-LSE Departmental Scholarship (2020-23)

-Unicredit Masterscholarship (2019-20)

-LSE Teaching Bonus Award (2021, 2022, 2023)


-'Firm Financing, Organization and Dynamics', Bank of Italy (12/2023)

-'CompNet 12th Annual Conference', European Commission, (10/2023)

-'EARIE 50th Annual Conference', LUISS University (08/2023)

-'Firms, Market Structure and Productivity', University of Kent (03/2023)

-'CompNet 10th Annual Conference', Banque de France (10/2021)