Community Resources

Burleigh Manor Music Parents (BMMP) 

BMMP coordinates volunteer opportunities throughout the year to help with BMMS music concerts, field trips and fundraising.  Find out more about this organization through their website.

Community Allies of Rainbow Youth

CARY members are allies of LGBTQ+ youth in the Howard County area, including family, friends, and anyone else looking to support them

Howard County Drug Free

HC Drug Free provides resources and education on prevention, treatment, recovery, and health and wellness to help Howard County residents develop knowledge and skills to understand and address behavioral health (substance use and mental health) disorders

PTA Council of Howard County - PTACHC

A Council is comprised of the local PTA units within Howard County organized under the authority of the State PTA. Council contributes to a stronger, more effective organization by providing information, inspiration, and instruction for its member units.  Find out more about PTACHC here. or a the PTACHC YouTube Channel.

Free State PTA

PTA has a 100+ year old history in Maryland. This new National PTA chartered state PTA, the Free State PTA, will build on that history and move us into the stronger future.   To find out more about Free State PTA click here.