Beyond Mean Field Theory :

Renormalisation Group and Non Perturbative approaches to Disordered and Glassy Systems

A glassy workshop dedicated to the memory of Cirano De Dominicis

"Sapienza" Università di Roma January 3-5 2018

Physics Department, Marconi Building, Aula Amaldi

Despite years of intense efforts, the problem of understanding the growth of critical correlations as well as the finite dimensional non-perturbative effects in glassy systems remain open. In the context of the Simons Collaboration "Cracking the Glass Problem" ( we are organising a three day workshop, with a limited number of talks and a lot of discussion time. To stimulate the discussion, we will associate to each intervention a "discussant" with the role of commenting, clarifying and perhaps challenging each of the talks and introduce a general discussion.

We dedicate this workshop to our colleague and friend Cirano De Dominicis, pioneer -among many other things- in the field theoretical approach to Spin Glasses.

Organization Committee: Silvio Franz, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi

Local Organization: Fernanda Benetti, Giorgio Parisi, Gabriele Sicuro.

Secretary: Giulia Loguercio (

The slides from the talks given during the Workshop are now available here.

Photo credit: Miguel Ibáñez Berganza

Program of the Workshop


  • 09:00 -- 10:30: Vyacheslav Rychkov: Constraints from conformal invariance on critical phenomena. Discussant: Raoul Santachiara.
  • 11:00 -- 12:30: Ferdinando Gliozzi: The conformal bootstrap approach to critical systems with the method of determinants. Discussant: Édouard Brézin.
  • 14:00 -- 15:30: Shinobu Hikami: Dimensional reduction in conformal bootstrap. Discussant: Marco Picco.
  • 16:00 -- 17:30: Kay Wiese: A field theory for avalanches. Discussant: Gilles Tarjus.


  • 09:00 -- 10:30: Giulio Biroli: Effective theories and RG for the glass transition. Discussant: Robert Jack.
  • 11:00 -- 12:30: Tommaso Rizzo: Glassy dynamics beyond mean-field theory. Discussant: Patrick Charbonneau.
  • 14:00 -- 15:30: Marco Tarzia: First steps towards a non-perturbative RG approach for spin glasses in finite dimensions. Discussant: Federico Ricci-Tersenghi.
  • 15:45 -- 17:15: A tribute to Cirano De Dominicis.


  • 09:00 -- 10:30: Michael Moore: Absence of Replica Symmetry Breaking in Edwards-Anderson spin glasses in dimensions d<6. Discussant: Sho Yaida.
  • 11:00 -- 12:30: Matthieu Tissier: The random field Ising model from nonperturbative renormalization-group approach: equilibrium and out of equilibrium results. Discussant: Pierfrancesco Urbani.
  • 14:00 -- 15:30: Andrea Crisanti: Stability of the Parisi solution near T=0. Discussant: Hajime Yoshino.
  • 16:00 -- 17:30: Markus Müller: Many body localization - A quantum route to non-ergodicity. Discussant: Giorgio Parisi.

Participation is free, but we ask to register before November 30 2017. You should download the form below and send it to Mrs. Loguercio ( Participants can reserve a room at the Hotel Ateneo Garden Palace located in the Via dei Salentini 3 in the San Lorenzo district close to the Sapienza university.

This workshop is supported by the Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem

Simons Collaborations, made possible by support from the Simons Foundation, bring together groups of outstanding scientists to address mathematical or theoretical topics of fundamental scientific importance in which a significant new development has created a novel area for exploration or provided a new direction for progress in an established field.

Social dinner

The conference dinner will take place at Casa dell'Aviatore (, nearby Sapienza ( on the evening of Thursday, January 4th, 2018, 8.30 pm. The cost of the dinner will be 35€ per person.