Mathematical Imaging and Signal Processing

Week 1&2 (8.24 & 8.31): Least squares and PCA

Summary, Homework 1 (ImageNet-subset), Linear algebra, Reading2, PCA derivation, PCA2

Video lectures: youtube

Lecture notes: link1, PCA large vectors

Optional reading: Spectral methods for dimensionality reduction (pdf), see miscellaneous

Week 2 (9.7): Discrete Fourier Transform

Slides (summary), Slides2, Homework2 (p1 file), Reading1(sec 2.4.8), Reading2, Reading3

Week 3 (9.14) : Hilbert spaces and Fourier Series

Slides (summary), Slides2, Homework3, Reading1(sec 2.1-2.5), Reading2

Optional reading: pdf

Lecture notes: link1, link2

Week 4 (9.21): Fourier transform

Slides (summary), Slides2, Homework4, Reading1(sec 2.1-2.5), Reading2 (chapter 2), Reading3

Lecture notes: link1

Week 5 (9.28): Sampling and reconstruction

Slides (summary), Slides2, Homework5, Reading1(sec 2.1-2.5), Reading2 (chapter 3), Reading3

Lecture notes: link1

Week 6 (10.5): Signal and image interpolation

Slides (summary), Slides2, Homework6, Reading1

Lecture notes: link1, link2

Week 7 (10.12): Exam. Sample exam.

--------------------------------------- EXAM 1 --------------------------------------

Week 8 (10.19): Optics and microscopy

Slides1, slides2, reading1, homework7

Lecture notes: link1,link 2

Week 9 (10.26): Magnetic resonance imaging

Slides, reading1

Lecture notes: link1

Week 11 (11.2): Radon transform and computerized tomography

Slides, reading1, lecture notes

Lecture notes: link1

Week 12 (11.16): Inverse problems, reading1, reading2

Slides, homework8, hw8p1_noise

Optional reading: linear inverse problems in imaging (pdf)

Lecture: link1

Week 13 (11.16): Sparse representation

Slides (summary), reading1, reading2, homework9

optional reading

Lecture notes: note1, note2, note3

Week 14 (11.23): Thanksgiving, no class

Week 15 (11.30): Sparse representation, & review


optional reading

Sample final exam: link