
About this site

This site serves as a public record of weight loss and fitness for Bryan Robbins.

The point of this site is to provide some accountability (for Bryan), a historical record for future reference, and also encouragement for anyone else who may be on a similar journey to get healthy.

Bryan is in no way qualified or licensed to give advice about diet and exercise. You should talk to your doctor and trainer about your needs like he does. This site is about sharing Bryan's experience, from his perspective.

About bryan

Bryan is a 33 year-old software developer from Huntsville, AL (USA) on a mission to lose 60 pounds in 2018. Sometimes he writes in third person.

As of January 1, Bryan weighs 299 pounds, after losing 45 pounds since May 2017. In 2011, Bryan lost 60 pounds "the wrong way" to hit a weight of 242 pounds. He put all of the weight back on by January 2013, and hadn't weighed less than 300 pounds until now. His goal for 2018 is to surpass the 2011 weight by 1 pound, which would be within 4 pounds of his college freshman weight.

Physically, Bryan has a mild case of spastic diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy) and several early signs of heart disease. He doesn't want to die young.