How to Get Acrylic Paint Out of Carpet: A Step-By-Step Guide

Accidents happen, and if you've found yourself with a splash or spill of acrylic paint on your carpet, don't panic. While acrylic paint can be tough to remove once it dries, it's not impossible. With the right techniques and a bit of patience, you can know how to get acrylic paint out of carpet effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you tackle the issue.


Materials You'll Need:


Before you begin the paint removal process, gather the following materials:


Paper towels or clean, white rags

A spoon or a blunt knife

Mild liquid dish soap

Warm water

Ammonia (for stubborn stains)

A scrub brush or an old toothbrush

Rubbing alcohol

Hydrogen peroxide (for stubborn stains)

A vacuum cleaner


Step 1: Act Quickly


The key to successfully removing acrylic paint from your carpet is to act quickly. The longer the paint sits, the more it will bond with the carpet fibers, making removal more challenging. So, as soon as you notice the spill, grab some paper towels or rags.


Step 2: Blot, Don't Rub


Start by gently blotting the area with the paper towels or rags. Avoid rubbing the paint, as this can push it deeper into the carpet. Instead, press down firmly and lift the paint from the carpet.


Step 3: Scrape Off Excess Paint


If the paint is still wet, you can use a spoon or a blunt knife to carefully scrape off the excess. Be cautious not to damage the carpet fibers while doing this. 


Step 4: Mix a Cleaning Solution


In a small bowl, mix a solution of warm water and a few drops of mild liquid dish soap. This solution will help break down the paint without harming the carpet.


Step 5: Blot and Scrub


Dampen a clean rag or paper towel in the soapy water mixture and gently blot the stained area. If the paint is stubborn, you can use a scrub brush or an old toothbrush to work the solution into the carpet fibers. Continue to blot and scrub until the paint starts to lift.