I'm working on an hobby project to communicate bluetooth device (ELM327), using Elmduino library GitHub - PowerBroker2/ELMduino: Arduino OBD-II Bluetooth Scanner Interface Library for Car Hacking Projects, this library requires Bluetoothserial.h, as far as i understand that library part of ESP32 board, so i've installed ESP32 to arduino ide through this tutorial -esp32/blob/master/docs/arduino-ide/boards_manager.md, and when i try to run this code;

It seems like it's not downloading necessary library when i install ESP32 board to arduino ide, downloaded library from GitHub - espressif/arduino-esp32: Arduino core for the ESP32 and copied arduino-esp32-master folder to arduino's library folder but when i try the run the code it returns :

BluetoothSerial.h: No such file or directory again, so in the arduino-esp32-master folder, there is libraries folder and there are 27 libraries including BluetoothSerial folder, copied all of them to arduino's library folder, after that when i try run the code it returns:

Bluetoothserial.h Arduino Library Download

Download Zip 🔥 https://cinurl.com/2y4OWB 🔥

i already managed to work with HC-05 but the problem is HC-05 is slow compared to esp32, for example you need to add at least 1000ms delay for each parameter (rpm,speed,water coolant etc.) otherwise it freezes after 1-2 minutes, with esp32 you don't having that problem, i'm new at esp32 modules, i thought you are programing esp32 through arduino but i learnt that it has it's own cpu and you need to program by itself and you can communicate through via tx-rx pins, being a rookie is hard man

Reading those .h files (from -esp32/blob/master/libraries/BluetoothSerial/src/BluetoothSerial.h, and -library/blob/master/src/BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h) , i found out that both have the sentence or function bool connect(), so i suspect that there is the problem but i do not know how to solve it.

Thank you for this great tutorial. As a hobbyst it was very difficult for me to pair a simple arduino with HC bluetooth modules. After this article i quickly switched to the ESP32 and finally i could make my BLE security door lock with SPI lcd at my office.

I am programming it with the Arduino IDE 1.8.19 (Windows7 32 bit), set up to use the LOLIN WeMos D1 R2 & Mini board. I have not found a library that includes Bluetooth or BLE for this board so far, so examples do not include Bluetooth.

Can you supply a link to the device you're talking about? I've never seen a ESP8266 that includes Bluetooth. I just did an Google search and nothing came back that sounds like what you have. ESP8266 and ESP32 are not compatible with each other. It sounds like you're trying to use a lot of ESP32 library/code examples. I'd be interested in such a product if it is the same form factor as a Wemos D1 Mini.

No, I said I was interested in the product that @bbutcher85 says exists... ESP8266 w/ Bluetooth. My library only works on ESP8266 and I'll never port it to anything else. With the great lack of interest, I see no need and I've never needed anything more powerful. Bluetooth isn't enough to get me to shift to an ESP32 and having to give up the InqPortal environment. It's far easier for me to set it up and debug even if I don't really care about interacting with it. Not having to mess with hardware buttons and displays is priceless to me.

Basically, I just need SoftwareSerial on pins 21, 22 of the M5Stamp pico (which are connected to a LoRa board) to work with a Bluetooth library, so I could use my phone for serial data with the board. So any help to make these libraries work or another library recommendation would be appreciated.

With the first one I can complete point 1 and 3, using the BluetoothSerial esp library. The XL320_servo_example.ino works well, and is compatible with BLE communication when not using the SoftwareSerial library (commented lines 15, 18 and 35). From what I have seen on internet, it seems that this first xl320 library doesn't work for reading data through the RX serial pin.

On the other hand, the second xl320 library does implement the receiving task with RX but makes extensive use of the SoftwareSerial library. I can implement points 1 and 2 with the examples. As explained in this question, the SoftwareSerial and BluetoothSerial libraries are not compatible. I am getting exactly the same error as in this question, that is:

I tried to solve my problem by modifying the (second library. I tried to remove every call to SoftwareSerial and use HardwareSerial instead but some functions from SoftwareSerial are hard to understand for me, especially this following:

I am desesperately looking for an esp32 library that permits to transmit AND recieve data from the XL320 motors and that DOES NOT use the SoftwareSerial library so that it is compatible with BluetoothSerial.

After digging a bit more about this library I managed to implement some small changes that enable data reading from the servos. I created this fork to publish the small changes. It doesn't uses the SoftwareSerial library so I have no compatibility problems.

Nothing wrong with your code, I've the exact same issue as you have. It bothers me whole week long and fortunately, we (along with my colleague) accidentally figured that was caused by Windows 10, weird right? We don't believe it at very beginning either, but after several back-N-forth testing, it just like that. When we upload exact same code from another older computer with Windows 7 OS, it just works no matter how many time we connect/disconnect or even "QUIT" the APP without make it disconnect properly, its been able to be reconnect no problem. But once we use new computer with Windows 10 OS to upload the code, it can only be connected for first time, then stop broadcasting (or advertising).The arduino official website in IDE download page also has a notice message "IMPORTANT: This app performs with core functionality on Windows 10 S but some limited plugins do not work. We are working with Microsoft on a fix.", hope this information helps.


Unless something has changed in the lower layers, if you are using the latest version of the Arduino core, everything needed should already be there.

So you should not need to install additional libraries for that, just update to the latest version of the Arduino core.

Here are the instructions on how to update to the latest version (for Windows):


Let me know if it helps ?

Best regards,

Nuno Santos

The ATmega328P has 32 KB of flash memory for storing code (of which 2 KB is used for the bootloader). It has 1 KB of SRAM and 512 bytes of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROM library).

The ATmega328P also supports I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C bus; see the documentation on the Wiring website for details. To use the SPI communication, please see the ATmega328P datasheet.

First of all, you need to include the library, check if Bluetooth is properly enabled, and create an object of the BluetoothSerial.1234567891011#include "BluetoothSerial.h" #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) || !defined(CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED)#error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it#endif#if !defined(CONFIG_BT_SPP_ENABLED)#error Serial Bluetooth not available or not enabled. It is only available for the ESP32 chip.#endif // Bluetooth Serial Object (Handle)BluetoothSerial SerialBT;SerialBluetooth .begin() and .setPin()To start the Bluetooth module, use the .begin() function in the setup() during initialization. You can give your Bluetooth device any string name you want and/or assign a PIN code for pairing with other devices.

I couldn't get the above to compile, but the ESP32 Arduino library BluetoothSerial.h seems to work well enough. Windows Synscan responds well and I can now control the mount via bluetooth in Synscan and via the ascom driver in Sharpcap.

The board I used is a ESP-WROOM-32 and I used the ESP32-WROOM-DA Board Module selection in the Arduino menu. It is important to select a board that has Bluetooth Classic, since the BluetoothSerial library will not work with Bluetooth LE. Also - make sure your usb programming cable is a data cable and not just a charging cable!

I am having trouble with the Radiohead RFM95 encrypted client example, seems Speck.h shows as no such file or directory. I can find code for Speck.h but not as a file I can drop in my library. I imagine there is a way to create the right file type in VS but I am not familiar with how to do that, assuming that would even do the trick. I would appreciate a little help here as I am rather new to Arduino and C++.

WARNING: library ArduinoBLE claims to run on samd, megaavr, mbed, apollo3, mbed_nano, mbed_portenta, mbed_nicla architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on avr architecture(s).

Alternatively, you can get rosserial_arduino to run at 9600 baud by editing ArduinoHardware.h in \libraries\ros_lib and changing the baud rate defaults in the constructors. Remember to restart the Arduino IDE after changing libraries.

Note, there is a bug in the source code where the LEDR and the LEDG are backwards. You can fix this by searching your computer for ARDUINO_NANO33BLE folder and editing the file pins_arduino.h inside.

I am working on a project that uses two lilypad arduino to read capacitive touch sensors. Right now I have hooked up two bluetooth silver mates, one to each arduino, to send serial reads to my laptop. The arduino serial monitor spits out information as:

Now I'm trying to get Processing to read the middle section (total1) so that it turns off/on a simple sketch. Right now I'm modifying the example "SerialMultiple". I had a classmate help me a bit by trying to show me how to split the incoming information, but I'm still at a loss as to how else to modify this sketch to work. I'm new to both arduino and processing. Any advice or references would be very helpful. e24fc04721

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