Here is my way to proceed to connect to a HC-05 bluetooth device plugged on my arduino. It does not need to write a file like in Brian's answer, but the idea is similar. I've tested it with a baud 9600 rate setup on the HC-05 device.

I bought a set of bluetooth speakers and I'm trying to connect to them via terminal. Via the GUI I can see them normally and I am connected to them. I want to make a small script so every time they are visible I would connect to them automatically.

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This is not automatic, you manually have to trigger the command, but this is less overhead than continuously scanning in a script and it doesn't introduce an un-neccesary delay after powering up your bluetooth device, before it becomes discovered. You just trigger the script either in a terminal or via the keyboard shortcut.

I had a similar situation with some headphones I own that I constantly swap between my computer and phone. I created this bash script and placed it in a folder on my path so I can connect / disconnect from these headphones via the command line (and via a launcher I built). Here is the script that uses bluetoothctl to connect / disconnect. I used the MAC address in the question:

Which lists all of the added Bluetooth devices. I got a good start on this by following the directions from @Zippie's answer - bt-audio appears to have broken since this question was answered. But bt-device -l seems like a good solution. None of this will work if the device has not been added to your bluetooth devices. I just used the blueman applet to set that up.

If you are using Sierra OS then you can voice activate it through Siri "Turn on bluetooth", or off for that matter. You had the option to set the keyboard shortcut when you installed Sierra. Otherwise control and space is the default/or via Spotlight.

I'm lucky that my mouse was immediately recognized (I'm sure there's ways to delve further once this has been stirred), allowing me to click things which were otherwise completely stymied (like "install"), through one short terminal command: blued . The Bluetooth daemon kicked up and gave MAC addresses for probably two devices I have currently battery powered, and around. Hope that helps others, rather than forcing us all to get/keep USB wired mice around, dust free, and in workable condition.

At the tap of a button, my app sends a text value-- "on" or "off", depending on which button is pressed-- via the HC-05 bluetooth module with SoftwareSerial pins 5 and 6 (Using SoftwareSerial enables me to keep pins 0 and 1 open for downloading code and viewing Serial Monitor).

Any help or guidance in how to resolve this problem would be much appreciated! I have been stuck on this for days now. I ultimately want to be able to receive and display proper data from my Arduino via bluetooth on my phone app whether it be string values or numbers. Thanks in advance!

I downloaded a Bluetooth terminal app like you suggested and got similar values; the Bluetooth terminal app displays both the initial "on" text value from the app to hc05 in blue and the output of the mySerial.print() in red (the janky values).

I'm not exactly sure what the problem might be but with the help of the Bluetooth terminal I see that my app (pictured in the first post) received only the red output shown in the bt terminal and is not picking up the initial "on" or "off" text value.

I finally found out the problem while experimenting with the wiring. I had it setup the same way as it is in the picture attached, though I used pins 2 and 3 as my TX and RX pins on the Arduino. It started working properly after I removed the 1k resistor between the HC-05 and TX pin and verified it with the Bluetooth terminal app and code you provided and began receiving the proper outputs instead of the janky values.

While working through a tutorial on setting up an AppInventor Bluetooth Client, I came across a Windows feature (setting) that I had not used before - the Standard Serial over Bluetooth link. The tutorial shows how to set up a BLE client on the tablet to interact with a serial terminal on the PC (server). AppInventor has a nice set of BLE programming blocks and the client construction and deployment was straightforward following the tutorial. Both the tablet and PC were visible to each other and I had no problem pairing them. Connecting a serial terminal on the PC requires a connection to a BLE COM port. The tutorial indicates that you can locate the COM port using the Device Manager once the tablet is paired. However, there was no "Standard Serial over Bluetooth" showing in the COM ports list. I'm not sure if this is because I don't have integrated WiFi or Bluetooth adapters on this desktop PC - I use a USB dongle (Edimax N150) to add that functionality.

I accidentally disabled bluetooth on my iMac through the JSS' 'Managed Preference Profiles' (I forgot to exclude myself). The problem I face is that I can't get it working agin. I deleted the preference in JSS, restarted my computer, forced a policy checkin, removed the JSS framework through terminal and deleted my iMac from the JSS. What can I do to get my magic trackpad and wireless keyboard working again?

I am trying to use an iPhone to connect to a raspberry pi pico W. I currently am able to establish a bluetooth connection, but any data that I input onto any of the IOS applications that I have tried have not resulted in anything being printed.

Now I am not going to re-invent the wheel on this one. I have already created detailed instructions in my Create a Wireless Console Server with Raspberry Pi Zero W. Please review that article in its entirety for the basic set up around the Raspberry Pi Zero W. This section of the article will focus on the divergence from the original article and focus on the steps to take to make your Raspberry Pi Zero W a bluetooth accessible console server.

Once the Raspberry Pi Zero W has successfully been connected to the Windows computer, a COM port needs to be identified for connectivity to the terminal server on the Raspberry Pi. To determine this, follow the instructions below:

Good evening. I have installed a long-range USB Bluetooth Dongle (one officially supported according to the repo). I have installed the device into my host and passed thru the USB port to the VM. From the command line I can see that my device is hci0. I can go to bluetoothctl and see a bunch of devices being found.

@pepe59 How will they appear? Just as another discover device? When I run the bluetoothctl command I can find 20-30 bluetooth devices using the command line, but not sure where they will appear in HA.

Not meaning to sound blunt, I appreciate it is my understanding of the BalenaIO OS at fault here but the guide is of no use for what I am trying to achieve and does not work to turn off bluetooth and wifi.

I'm using the BLE Bridge project on a CC2540 module and am trying to transmit 20 bytes of data received from a custom Android app to a serial terminal (RealTerm). The module I'm using is an RF-BM-S02 and I am using an FTDI USB-UART converter cable connecting the module to my laptop. I've stepped through the code and the received data appears to be successfully written to the module UART (a SUCCESS condition is returned from the sendDataToHost() function) but for some reason nothing is displayed in the serial terminal. The baud rate is set to 115200 and I've checked that it is the same in both the module firmware and the serial terminal.

When the pairing is start and connection with bluetooth and Passkey is display on bluetooth settings and I entered the passkey that is connected , and in bluetooth terminal they connected easily without asking passkey.

Reporting that I am also experienceing this issue. Fedora 34. Bluetooth works sometimes, but am currently unable to turn on/off. If I open the main settings window, the toggle switch will properly toggle, but it always says bluetooth turned off

i can't find how i can change the status of my laptop bluetooth from terminal, i want to set it temporaly visible for a few seconds and then i want back it to hidden.

how i can do this from terminal? ( i don't use gnome, blueman, anything, only console).

However, when I set up BTT to execute that command asynchronously, nothing happens. I've verified that running other terminal commands works, such as open ~/Downloads, but nothing from blueutil seems to be working.

I am aware of the AppleScript bluetooth toggle method here. That's an ok solution, but I'd rather understand why what I'm doing isn't working (and the aesthetics of the menu flashing up in the AppleScript one isn't ideal)>

Works just fine on a Macbook Pro running Lion (10.7.3) and Mac mini running Snow Leopard (10.6.8). You will get some errors if you switch off the bluetooth whilst a magic mouse is connected, it still works though :)

(I ran into the problem that I disabled bluetooth and then on the next system start I could not use the wireless keyboard anymore... so no logging in from the screen but I could log in via ssh. And it was not clear to me how to install software such as blueutil from the command line as suggested by @binarybob )

'Serial Bluetooth Terminal' is a line-oriented terminal / console app for microcontrollers, arduinos and other devices with a serial / UART interface connected with a bluetooth to serial converter to your android device.

@DrMickeyLauer have you figured this out? I am also making a console app that manages bluetooth devices and I have tried adding the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key to a plist and embedding that into the binary via CREATE_INFOPLIST_SECTION_IN_BINARY and this does not work, what is the way to get this to work? it seems mostly an issue with xcode (xcode 14.2 at time of writing this) not picking up on this fringe case of not assigning an info.plist and not wanting an external file when it is made

In order to be able to use audio equipment like Bluetooth headphones or speakers, you need to install the additional pulseaudio-bluetooth package. Make sure to restart pulseaudio to make the installation take effect: pulseaudio -k. With a default PulseAudio installation (specifically, using a user instance with the packaged you should immediately be able to stream audio from a Bluetooth device to your speakers. [3] 2351a5e196

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