You can download BlueStacks 5 from the links on this page or from our website Download the .exe file and complete the setup within minutes to start playing your favorite mobile games on PC.

How can we block Bluestacks application because this app can avoid or FTG that can use Facebook youtube ....... many app in bluestacks, thus in our app in FTG don't have this app so what's should we do or need to create custom application ? please picture:

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Hola Buntha, si bien es cierto aun no se puede bloquear el bluestack por aplicacin, pero lo que si puedes bloquear es todo el acceso dentro de la aplicacin, es decir bloquear el playstore, centro de aplicaciones, youtube, facebook, etc.

Con eso podrn ingresar a la aplicacin pero no podrn entrar a las redes sociales, es importante que por control de aplicacion este bloqueado el FB y Youtube. o las redes sociales que quieras bloquear, suerte espero te funcione.

Hello Buntha, although it is true that the bluestack cannot be blocked by application, but what can be blocked is all access within the application, that is to say, block the play store, application center, youtube, facebook, etc.

With that you can enter the application but you cannot enter the social networks, it is important that the FB and Youtube are blocked by application control. or the social networks you want to block, luckily I hope you operate.

The Fortinet Security Fabric brings together the concepts of convergence and consolidation to provide comprehensive cybersecurity protection for all users, devices, and applications and across all network edges.

Bluestacks is an emulator. Bluestacks probably is not able to store data from the app to the PC. Bluestacks has no internal storage in itself as far as I can determine so there is no place you can send a file using the File control.

Hello, good day to anyone reading this.

I have made an app that reads information from a file thats being written by a Python code.

The python code extracts information from Google Calendar and then writes certain things to a regular txt file.

Now to run the Mit App i need an emulator for it to run on my laptop, but here comes the problem.

I can edit wthe file with Python no problem there BUT i do not know how I can make the app read that specific path to the file. I know where its located, i have found the sdCard folder but whenever i go into bluestacks i cannot find it when i check the internal memory. All i need is for the app to read an external file, thats located in bluestacks named 'test_text.txt' there is a shared folder with windows and in there i can see and edit the file in question. I just need the path to that file for the appmaker.

This is what it all looks like in the blocks

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This is the bluestacks file location

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Iv looked everywhere on the forum and internet, cant find anything.

All i want is for the MIT app to read from the sharedfolder file in bluestacks from windows.

I use the regular file block to READ from an external file of the app itself.

There is a shared folder within bluestacks, in that folder is a txt file that i want to READ in the app.

How do you find that path to put into the app?

Everything i tried says that said directory doesnt exist

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The app does what it needs to do, i just need to be able to read from a more specfic file, then /thisfile

but everytime i try a path that should lead to the shared folder it says that the file couldnt be created, i assume this is because the path is incorrect. When i do just /testfile it works just fine but i cannot find the path to the normal sd card interface for python

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the last file you see n this list is the file that the app reads and edits.

I need that file path for python OR i need to be able to read from the shared folder in this menu

The txt file is the file i imported to bluestacks SD storage so i could test it. The file i NEED to use is located in the shared folder of windows and bluestacks and is accesible through both. The file is already there by default and is deleted when i press button 1 and immediately recreated because i need that file empty.

Im playing on bluestacks as well. I use facebook and can trade between my main city and the annex on bluestacks.

I would have to say though, the graphics on the Samsung Galaxy Pro Tab 12 are far superior then bluestacks. 

The graphics and sound via bluestacks look and sound like a low budget computer.

The network functionality via bluestacks is much smoother then WiFi (at least in my apartment complex). 

The annex city helps me overcome limitations of the global trade functionality as my level increases on the Original tablet game. 

It also gives me the chance to play the game from start with more knowledge to avoid the ut-ohs of my original tablet layout. 

There were things the tutorial never really let you know until it's too late. 152ee80cbc

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