Hi all, I'm having serious issues with my bluetooth at the moment. Firstly if I update bluetooth driver it turns into Bluesoeil (used to be mediatek) and even though the driver is there, there are no options to turn bluetooth on. Not in the notifications tab or the system settings. If I choose to update the driver but select drivers already on my device then I can choose mediatek, if I do so then bluetooth is "there" but in the notification tab shows it as always on (I can't turn it off by clicking it) and if I check in settings there is no on off button like there used to be, so at the moment I can't do anything with my bluetooth. If I keep the bluesoleil one then there is nothing at all but the mediatek one is always on so it's draining my battery fast. I have troubleshooted with both drivers and with bluesoleil it says something like "there are no bluetooth drivers" and with the mediatek something along the lines of "there are no issues". I'm really at a loss and have trawled the internet to no avail. Please help. TIA

I have now fixed it, turns out in device manager I had to show hidden drivers. What happened at first was if I reinstalled mediatek over bluesoleil it would always be on and not connect to devices. I found under hidden drivers a ralink bluetooth option so I reinstalled that to it's base version, I then reinstalled mediatek and it worked. I then updated the ralink one so it was like it was before and... Bluetooth strangely still works. So now I know not to update the mediatek one otherwise it always gives me back bluesoleil. I want to end this post but I don't know how, I don't see an accept this as a solution box next to the kudos box. Sorry this is my first post so I'm not too clued up on what to do.

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Hi, thanks for your response, unfortunately I don't seem to have recovery manager, just done a quick search online and it's probably because I upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 (I think this is what started the issue as since then my bluetooth has always been dodgy). Also if I go to HP website, let it scan my computer, then search for drivers, there is no bluetooth driver to download. I am going to try your second solution and will let you know how it goes. Thanks again.

So I have now tried second option, There are 3 bluetooth options under network drivers, one is mediatek (that after it installs turns out to be bluesoleil) one is intel and that didn't work and I can't remember the third but that also didn't work.The only one that worked ends up giving me the same one as if I'd pressed update driver on bluetooth. The chipset has three options, all dated 2013, regardless I tried to install them and even though message said that they were older drivers I still tried to install over and all failed to complete. The BIOS one said that it was already installed but anyway I overwrit it and nothing changed. I am now left with the bluesoleil one as before which means that under settings there is no bluetooth option to turn on/off and under notifications tab there is just no bluetooth icon at all. As I said before I can't seem to get recovery manager either. If there is a way for me to get recovery manager that might be the solution. Any help greatly appreciated. It's doing my head in now. TIA

Sorry but what will creating a new account do exactly? I regularly run the updates so there is no point me trying the first option. I just wonder why I would need to create a new account, surely it will give me the same updates as my current account?

OK sorry, after writing this last post the accept the solution box magically appeared, so it's all done now, thanks for your help anyway, hopefully if this happens to anyone else they'll find a solution. 152ee80cbc

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