The "Breaking News" process - from start to finish!

1. Conceptualization! For this project, I had to fit a self-contained story within the parameters of six pages. I brainstormed some short story ideas, wrote out a script, and sketched out some character concepts. I tried out a couple different art styles in my sketches, and I eventually decided that I wanted to move forward with a more cartoony style.

2. Thumbnails. Based on my script, I created a couple different rough versions of what the comic could look like. From my different thumbnail variations, I combined the best parts of each to compile into my final thumbnail pass.

3. Pencils. My thumbnails get refined into tighter drawings to prepare for inking.

4. Inks. My pencils get completely cleaned up with strict black and white values. After this step, I finished the pages by adding grayscale tones to the comic pages. You can see the finished pages here!