Privacy Policy for Blue Circle

Last updated: 19.03.2023

This Privacy Policy applies to the Blue Circle app ("App"), developed by Lev Lekush ("Developer", "we", "us", or "our"). We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting any personal information you may share with us. This policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your information through the use of the App.

As part of our commitment to user privacy, the Blue Circle app does not collect any personal or non-personal information from users.

Since we do not collect any user data, there is no need for data usage purposes.

We do not share any user data with third parties, as we do not collect any data from users of the App.

As no data is collected from users, there is no need for data storage and security measures.

Since we do not collect any personal information from users, there are no user rights associated with data access, update, or deletion.

The Blue Circle app does not use any third-party services for analytics, advertising, or any other purposes.

The Blue Circle app is not specifically targeted at children, but as we do not collect any personal information, it is in compliance with children's privacy regulations.

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We encourage you to periodically review this policy to stay informed about our privacy practices. Your continued use of the App after any changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of the updated policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:


By using the Blue Circle app, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.