Blueberries are primarily temperate zone plants, but there are varieties for the hot southern climates. They ripen at the end of a nice hot summer and should be picked when they are full and juicy with deep blue color. Occasionally, the fruit from blueberry plants is grainy on the inside. This may be a cultural, environmental, varietal, or disease-related issue. It is best to grow varieties suited for your zone and watch the plants carefully for problems. Grainy blueberries can still be used for jams but the texture is not as pleasant for eating fresh.

Blueberry bushes start leafing out in early spring and flower in late spring. Small drupes form and swell as the summer sun ripens them. The fruits need plenty of water but tend to get fungal issues if not treated or when water is applied overhead in hot, humid weather. Fungal diseases can affect the roots, stems, leaves, and fruit. Some of the more common growing blueberry problems are Anthracnose, Alternaria, Phomopsis, and Phyllosticta. Culturally the bush fruit may be adversely affected by too much heat, excess moisture which splits the berries, chemical injury, and freezing.

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Prevention is crucial. Once the berries have turned rough inside, you can't undo the situation. The next season you need to apply a fungal spray or monitor the plants and treat them with a non-toxic baking soda and water treatment. Do not water overhead but instead apply irrigation to the base of the plant. You may also simply be harvesting the fruit too early. Wait until they have a slight give and no sign of red. The ashy coloring should be mostly gone and a true blue color is evident. If you harvest too early, some blueberries have a grainy texture and a sour taste. Grainy-tasting blueberries may be made into a jam, but watch for and discard any moldy berries. Prune your plants in late winter to early spring the next year and fertilize with a slightly acidic fruit tree food. Make sure the plants are in full sun with some protection during the hottest part of the day. Use a light mesh net to prevent birds from eating all the good fruit. Cover the plants if frost is expected, as this is a common cause of grainy tasting blueberries. Apply a spray fungicide at greening and another application should be done 10 days later.

This panna cotta has exactly what a classic Italian panna cotta should have: a creamy texture, light taste, and is incredibly simple to make. I call it a success. However, the blueberry lime sauce takes this panna cotta to a completely different level. The blueberry and lime flavors dance together in a very delicate and curious tango. This entire recipe takes less than twenty minutes to make, sauce and all. Now you have no excuse not to get cooking!

If you happen to find yourself with extra sauce, it can easily be added to top ice cream and sorbets. Or, if you love margaritas like I do, you can take a few spoonfuls and blend it in for a unique blueberry lime flavor!

To be honest, my most FAVORITE muffins are typically made with at least SOME almond flour. It lends a lot to the flavor and texture of both the muffin itself and the topping, so I wanted to experiment with making truly classic tasting paleo blueberry muffins.

Made these today. Mine looked a little darker from recipe. They tasted so good! I used organic coconut palm sugar, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and substituted arrowroot powder for tapioca flour. Recipe is a keeper! And I agree, the blueberry muffins are very addictive. (y)

The best Paleo blueberry muffins I have tried yet and I have tried A LOT of them. I cut down the coconut sugar in the topping by 25% and the actual muffins I used 5T instead of 6. Finally I forgot to add the coconut oil to the wet ingredients and they came out perfectly! Thanks so much for your recipe!

Does the internet need another blueberry muffin? Absolutely not. But this is my story and my blog and I make what I want. Lol. So I present you: my Best Blueberry Muffins. All kidding aside, I wanted a blueberry muffin recipe that I could whip up when people came over. I wanted a very good and easy blueberry muffin recipe!

I am often called to look at newblueberry plantings to determine what is wrong because of poor growth. Manytimes the field was planted before the soil was tested and the soil pH was toohigh for blueberries. Blueberries prefer a soil pH of 4.5 to 5.5.

The peat mixtures used to growblueberry plants hold water very well, but the sandy soils in many blueberryplantings do not. As the soil water drains away, there is little reason for theplant roots to grow into the relatively dry sand. This results in a small,restricted root system supporting a relatively large plant. This problem is notapparent early in the season when there are few leaves and the soils are moist.Later as the plant develops leaves, it starts to use more and more water untilthe day comes when the plant sucks all the water out of the little pocket ofpeat soil where its roots are.

If there is a real difference insoil texture between the potting medium and the native soil, add some peat.This is especially true if the soil is mostly sand or clay. Compost orcomposted manures are not usually good to add to the planting hole since thesematerials have a higher, more neutral pH. These materials will raise the soilpH higher than blueberries like in the soil.

Adapted from my Blueberry Muffins, these soft and cakey blueberry muffin cookies are completely irresistible. Packed with blueberries and a hint of lemon, these cake-like cookies taste like muffin tops and are so easy to make. Top with sparkling sugar and lemon glaze for a truly unforgettable cookie!

These cookies are a cinch to make when the craving strikes with just a handful of simple ingredients. Keep freeze dried blueberries stocked in your pantry year around for fresh lemon blueberry cookies anytime!

In another bowl, stir together the sugar, cornstarch and lemon juice. Gently mix in the blueberries. Sprinkle the blueberry mixture evenly over the crust. Crumble remaining dough over the berry layer.

I just made some a lot like these out of Fine Cooking Magazine. They have oats and brown sugar in the crust and topping, and the blueberry layer also has condensed milk with lemon juice and zest. They are deliciously gooey, and the oats make the crust and crumble kind of chewy. Oats also make them breakfasty enough to be eaten at absolutely any time of day. Multiple times a day.

I was just recently on a Use Up All the Fresh Blueberries I Brought Home bing myself. I went for blueberry ice cream and a blueberry cherry pie. I wish you had posted this sooner so I still had some left to make these a-mazing little ditties!! Wow!

Oh! How I wish you had posted this a week ago, when, instead of making probably delicious blueberry crumb bars, I made slightly fishy tasting blueberry crisp which has since sat in our fridge taking up space in my 99 pan. So sad.

I worked at a bakery that made blueberry bars in the summer and apple raspberry in the fall. I know it was more involved because you cooked the rasperries down to an almost jam like state, but they were frickin amazing! These look incredible.

I am not overly fond of blueberry desserts, or blueberries in general, but the pictures made me desperate to make them. I ran to the store after work yesterday and got the needed ingredients, hurried home and made them immediately, My husband and son watched me and asked what was for dinner.

I made these a couple days ago, and they turned out sublime. I received some unbearably cute spring forms for my birthday and have been going hog wild with ANYTHING that will go into them. They are perfect sized for a little blueberry crumblet and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum! :)

Lovely. Made these just now. I think I would try to make more crust next time, or pick out smaller blueberries. Seemed like my blueberry to crust ratio was a bit off. The lemon taste came out strong, but I kinda like it :)

i think with a sturdy base, filling with more structural integrity, and unmuted blueberry flavor, these would turn out a lot more like bars that could withstand the many long minutes until they were cool enough to eat. hmm. now i need to get more blueberries.

I found your blog through the five star friday post on how to poach an egg. I was looking back through your archives and came across this recipe. I made them for a labor day bbq and they were a huge hit! My kids also really liked them, even though I have never before been able to get them to eat a blueberry. So thanks a lot, and I look forward to trying out more of your recipes in the future.

I made these today! I was low on blueberries (having made a delicious blackberry/blueberry pie yesterday) so I covered half the pan with raspberries nad half with blackberries. Both sides were delicious! Thanks!

Found this recipe 3 hours ago. I mixed up the crumbs in my Kitchen-Aid (perfect!), went out to my backyard and picked 4 cups of blueberries. I added a little vanilla and almond to the blueberry/lemon mixture. They came out of the oven at 44 minutes and they are heavenly. And I thought I had a good blueberry bar recipe; this tops all. thanks!

Lovely, except I had only a lime, no lemon on hand, and now I realize lime+blueberry flavor might be the secret ingredient in fruitloops. Next time I will follow your recipe exactly! Still, the crumble is a delightful texture, and the blueberries gelled up just perfectly.

Made these the other day! Went down well! I used wholemeal flour and cutting the butter in was taking forever so I added a tablespoon of melted butter and it brought it together. I also had no corn flour so used plain flour and it worked fine. WIN

Next time will try blueberry and orange and cut down on the sugar a bit. Would this change the texture too much?

For the bars, my sibling are not big blueberry lovers, and when they ate the bars, they found them to be a bit too tart. But when they had leftovers 2 days later and loved them! It seems that leaving them in the fridge for 24-48 hours makes the bars soft and chewy. 17dc91bb1f

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