About Us

Blubox is a small indie game studio based in New South Whales, Australia. Everything started when two high school boys became friends. Daniel Good and Will Burke. One of the subjects they had together was digital technology. The assignment was to code an Eddison robot. However Daniel was disappointed by the limitations the Eddison held, so he began making games on scratch. Will, also limited moved to scratch, where he would be taught on how to use the program by Daniel. eventually at the end of term 4 in 2023, they decided to start a company specialising in developing indie games.



Daniel is a creative and easily excited person with a quirky personality. Also known on YouTube as Dan117, He enjoys playing videogames like Halo, Minecraft and Forza with his friends and family. If he is not playing games he is with his cat Ace, playing with his friends, reading books or making games.
