In any team-building game, if you know the characters better, forming your team becomes easier. The same goes for Bloodline Heroes of Lithas. Read this Bloodline Heroes of Lithas Tier List and recruit the best heroes to your team.

Bloodline Heroes of Lithas is a brand-new fantasy RPG for both Android and iOS. Players play the role of High Guardian, the one in charge of the City of Lights. The interesting feature of the game is that the players can create new bloodlines. It is all about building your legacy.

Bloodline Heroes Of Lithas Download


Now to build a team of powerful heroes, you need to know all the characters better. Each of them has their own set of skills and abilities. With so many characters available in the game, knowing all might be time-consuming. This is where our Bloodline Heroes of Lithas Tier List will help you. Know which characters to choose and which to avoid with the updated tier list.

Hope the Bloodline Heroes of Lithas Tier List have helped you choose the best heroes for your team. Do remember to keep visiting this space as we constantly update the tier list every time there is a new character available.

The free-to-play RPG game for iOS and Android allows players to make the most of their champion's bloodlines in order to create new generations of heroes. These characters inherit the skills and power of those that came before them. Users can rebuild their city, wage war, or work for peace with rival factions, eventually growing and developing into mighty leaders capable of uniting the world of Lithas.

Assemble a Powerful Team of Heroes - Build a strong squad capable of defending the world of Lithas by carefully cultivating your champion's Bloodlines through the generations to determine your champions' inherit the unique strengths, traits, and skills needed for your future heroes. Bring honor and glory to your Clan!

Bloodline Heroes of Lithas is an engaging fantasy game where players can create new bloodlines by marrying champions to combat a corrupting enemy. This tier list will assist the players in assembling the ideal team of fighters and lovers same as we did for picking the best characters in the Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List.

Encounter clans of lycans, demons, demi-gods, elves, orcs, and countless others as you strive to unite them as mighty champions on the battlefield. Delve even deeper into this captivating world by forming profound relationships and courtship, intertwining bloodlines and nurturing a new generation of powerful champions to fight alongside you. Get ready to unlock thrilling possibilities with our carefully curated codes, enhancing your adventure in Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas to extraordinary heights.

GluttonPossessing both physical strength and earth magic, the Gluttons wreak havoc upon their enemies. Though mainly melee damage dealers, they have some ranged abilities as well as the ability to heal themselves. Blessed with Suck: Gluttons are immensely stronger than the small people they came from and have earth magic... at the cost of perpetual hunger. Counter-Attack: Hitting a Glutton while they are using Stone Shield reduces the damage it causes greatly while doing doing damage to enemies nearby them. Dishing Out Dirt: Their powers. It is not specifically stated, but it may explain their physical strength also. Fan Disservice: The female version of the Glutton is no better clothed or less fat than the male version. Fashionable Asymmetry: Has half of Shoulders of Doom, a large spiked one on their left shoulder. Hyperactive Metabolism: The Eat ability heals the Glutton. Invulnerable Knuckles: The Glutton bloodline may have something attached to their right hand, but their left hand is left bare while they still punch with it. That might be related to their earth magic. Power Fist: Gluttons have wooden spikes attached to their right fist default, with other more fancy alternate weapons. Stout Strength Stripperiffic: Gluttons wear little more than a skull over their head, pants and a large metal plate over their stomach... But they're totally fat and unattractive. Taken for Granite: An intentional example which is a good thing - the Stone Shield ability, which renders players immobile for its duration or a damage limit, but greatly reduces damage taken, deals a lot of damage back and reduces energy gained from hitting them, dissuading players from considering touching them. Walking Shirtless Scene: Oh god, why!?

IgniterIgniters are masters of ranged combat, using their fire magic to deal large amounts of damage both to single targets and crowds. Extremely weak in close combat, the Igniters keep their distance by teleporting across the battlefield. Butt-Monkey: The Igniter serves an unfortunate for a few bloodline items, such as being tied to the a stick to be on the back of the Master Chef Glutton outfit (which he will eat using his Meat and Eat ability) or shackled to the shield of the Vanguard's Sacrificial Armament weapon (still moving). Convection, Schmonvection: If you are not within the radius of the Igniter's abilities, you won't be affected. Even if that ability is called Volcano and makes a small one, just dodge it and you'll be fine. Kamehame Hadoken: The Fire Beam EX seems to does this. Less possible damage on one target than the Fire Storm ability would do and costs energy, but it pierces through enemies, hits almost instantly and is a reliable way of inflicting Ignite on your opponents. Man on Fire: Hitting enemies with Fire Storm, Fire Beam or Conflagration inflicting the Ignite debuff on them. Flames appear on them while Ignite is on them. Mundane Utility: A former use of the trope - the Igniter bloodline sets his enemies on fire in the game, but their real job is to teleport around their people's underground city, maintaining the torches. Their background was later rewritten and that explicit use of the Igniters was removed. One-Hit Polykill: The Fire Beam EX and Conflagration ultimate hits through enemies. Pintsized Powerhouse: The Igniter is at least half the size of the other Bloodlines. They are no less powerful. Playing with Fire: The Igniter's everything. Psychopathic Manchild: The Igniter has some funny and arguably immature mannerisms to go along with their fire powers - the running animations looks like skipping, their strange standing animation has them tilting their head to the left with their right palm up, and their idle animation is hopping up and down left and right on the spot. Series Mascot: An mask much like the Igniter's is prominently on the logo while he also features on the loading screen as well as a few cosmetic items. In the Battlerite spiritual sequel, his character Expy Ashka continues this when had his mask display on the former logo and Ashka features frequently in promotional or loading screen artwork. Telepathy: A power of all of the people of the Igniters, the Tioko. Wreathed in Flames: Living Flame does this to the Igniter while making them invulnerable and immaterial for the duration of it, doing some damage and knocking enemies back near them after the ability ends. Conflagration does this trope to the Igniter again, only much more and having them travel along a line. The Igniter heavily damages and inflicts Ignite on enemies he passes through with Conflagration. Ugly Cute: Sure he's a midget entirely covered up in an intimidating tribal mask and furs, but the small stature and funny animations makes him rather endearing.

EngineerEngineers bring a vast array of tricks and gadgets to the field of battle, ranging from shrink rays to flamethrowers and jetpacks. Anachronism Stew: In a nutshell. Badass Bookworm: Fights with gadgets! Badass Normal EMP: An ability. Slows enemies in the area of impact, damages a target directly hit by the projectile. No, We don't think there are electronics in the game at all. Jet Pack: The Engineer has an ability to use this for an instant. It leaves oil in it's wake, to the detriment of only the Engineer's enemies. More Dakka: The Engineer's ultimate ability is firing a machine gun. While its 3 second duration makes it unlikely you'll end up hitting the entire thing, its maximum potential damage is a significant 1440 in a game where the health ranges to 1600-2100. Playing with Fire: The Engineer has a Flame Thrower ability. Use it only enemies hit by your Jet Pack's oil for extra damage over time. Short-Range Shotgun: While the Engineer's Boomstick can do more damage in one hit than pretty much any other ability mapped to the left-mouse button, it requires being close to a target to make the most of it, compared to other ranged damage bloodlines. Shrink Ray: A Shrink Device ability. The EX instead inverts it and enlarges a target ally. Shout-Out: His T-800 Prototype outfit. Spent Shells Shower: This is the icon for the Engineer's Machine Gun ultimate ability. Swiss-Army Weapon: The large object Engineers' heft around appear to be able to act as a shotgun, a flamethrower, shrink device, machine gun, EMP deployer and is capable of firing large slugs.

Herald of InsightPossessing strong support abilities the Heralds warp space and time, turning their enemies against themselves while keeping their allies protected. Attack Reflector: His Chronoflux ability does this... though the projectiles take a while to start returning to the same direction, so careful enemies can avoid the backfire very easily. Combat Medic: Standard for healers in Bloodline Champions. Heralds may not be the best one-on-one bloodline, but are far from helpless. Perma-Stubble: The Officer outfit has this. Time Master: Though not as powerful as other examples, part of his powers is explained from manipulation of time. He even has an ability to go back in time three seconds, putting him where he was then and healing himself. White Mage 17dc91bb1f

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