Tourplay tips & peculiarities

A few tips and peculiarities regarding Tourplay:

  • We will charge 3€ for each registered team to cover tourplay charges.

  • If you submit a team to the league, tourplay will start charging us. Please do not create test teams.

  • Your team will be activated once payment is received.

  • It is recommended to use the Tourplay App, or Google Chrome browser on your device to avoid compatibility issues.

  • Your Tourplay account is linked to the method of log-on, so if you sign up with Facebook,you can only access your account using Facebook.

  • Data entry during the match via smartphone is preferred.

  • To enter a match, both players need to be online simultaneously.

  • Both players need to enter information under their own account.

  • Entering information after the match is possible as well, if this happens each coach should keep track of events affecting their own team.

  • Tourplay will roll for weather, you can choose to ignore this, but agree with your opponent before clicking start match. Otherwise the tourplay result stands.

  • Tourplay will roll your winnings at the end of the match.

  • Spiraling expenses will be rolled at the start of the next match rather than at the end of the post match sequence.

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