Born and raised in Illinois, Speranza joined the United States Army in 1943, right after he received his high school diploma. He was assigned to the 101st Airborne, and by the winter of 1944 he was in Belgium, in a frigid foxhole, a participant in one of the bloodiest, and toughest fights in American military history.

There is increasing evidence that disruption of diurnal blood pressure (BP) variation is a risk factor for hypertensive target organ damage and cardiovascular events. Especially, the risers (extreme non-dippers), who exhibit a nocturnal BP increase compared with daytime BP, have the worst cardiovascular prognosis, both for stroke and cardiac events. On the other hand, extreme-dippers (with marked nocturnal BP falls) are at risk for non-fatal ischemic stroke and silent myocardial ischemia, particularly extreme-dippers complicated with atherosclerotic arterial stenosis and excessive BP reduction due to antihypertensive medication. Extreme-dipping status of nocturnal BP is closely associated with excessive morning BP surge and orthostatic hypertension. Hypertensive patients who have these conditions and exhibit marked BP variations are likely to have silent cerebral infarct and to be at high-risk with regard to future stroke. Individualized antihypertensive medication targeting disrupted diurnal BP variation might thus be beneficial for such high-risk hypertensive patients.

Blood On The Risers Mp3 Download


The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome

Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones

The canopy became his shroud; he hurtled to the ground

And he ain't gonna jump no more

He hit the ground, the sound was: Splat! His blood went spurting high

His comrades they were hurt to say: A helluva way to die!

He lay there rolling round in the welter of his gore

And he ain't gonna jump no more

(Slowly, solemnly)

There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the chute

Intestines were a'dangling from his paratrooper suit

He was a mess; they picked him up, and poured him from his boots

And he ain't gonna jump no more

The second full moon in a calendar month is a blue moon. This one also happens to be an especially close and bright moon, or supermoon. Add a total eclipse, known as a blood moon for its red tint, and it's a lunar showstopper.

(This score available asABC,SongWright,PostScript,PNG, orPMW, ora MIDI file)

Pennywhistle notationand Dulcimer tab for this song is also availableBlood on the Risers (Gory, Gory)He was just a rookie trooper, and he surely shook with frightAs he checked all his equipment, and made sure his pack was tightHe had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar,"You ain't gonna jump no more!"cho: Gory, Gory, what a helluva way to die, Gory, Gory, what a helluva way to die, Gory, Gory, what a helluva way to die, He ain't gonna jump no more."Is everybody happy ?" cried the sergeant, looking up,Our hero feebly answered, "Yes!" and then they stood him up,He leaped into the blast, his static line unhooked,He ain't gonna jump no more!He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock,He felt the wind, he felt the clouds, he felt the awful drop,He jerked his cord, the silk spilled out and wrapped around his legs.He ain't gonna jump no more!The risers wrapped around his neck, connectors cracked his domeThe lines were snarled and tied in knots, around his skinny bones,The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground,He ain't gonna jump no more!The days he's lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind,He thought about the girl back home, the one he'd left behind,He thought about the medics and wondered what they'd find,He ain't gonna jump no more!The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild,The medics jumped and screamed with glee,They rolled their sleeves and smiledFor it had been a week or more since the last chute had failedHe ain't gonna jump no more !He hit the ground, the sound was "SPLAT," the blood went spurting high,His comrades then were heard to say "A Helluva way to die!";He lay there rolling 'round in the welter of his gore.He ain't gonna jump no more!There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the chute,Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper's boots,They picked him up still in his Chute and poured him from his bootsHe ain't gonna jump no more!VHoct99Thanks to Mudcat for the DigitalTradition!

A diminished nocturnal decline in blood pressure (BP) represents a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. To define daytime and nighttime ambulatory BP, clock time-dependent methods are used when information on diary-based sleeping time is unavailable. The present study aimed to compare fixed-clock intervals with diary records to identify the associations of extreme dipper, dipper, non-dipper, and riser patterns with long-term cardiovascular risk among a general population.

Early risers in the western U.S. and Canada should have been able to catch a glimpse before dawn Saturday. The moment when the moon was completely obscured by Earth's shadow lasted four minutes 43 seconds, making it the shortest lunar eclipse of the century.

During the eclipse, according to NASA, the Moon often looks reddish because sunlight has passed through Earth's atmosphere, which filters out most of its blue light. This eerie, harmless effect has earned the tongue-in-cheek nickname "blood moon."

Local political elites in post-Soeharto Indonesia have becomeincreasingly diverse, challenging the dominant characterizations of them asleftovers of the old regime or political opportunists. Existing literature onIndonesia's local politics tends to focus on top-tier elected officials,such as provincial governors, district regents and municipal mayors.Political elites and elite aspirants at intermediate and lower levels ofgovernance have received less attention. Field-study data collected inPontianak, the regional capital of West Kalimantan, serves as the basis foranalysis of the changing profiles of local elites and elite aspirants and forscrutiny of their efforts and tactics to acquire and retain power. Theanalysis demonstrates that local political elites in Indonesia consist notonly of "holdovers" from the New Order era, but also new anddiverse "risers". "Old" elites remain, as some survivedthe political transition and as young generations have inherited theresources and constituencies of their forbears. But at the same time"new" elites have entered the local political scene from varioussocio-economic and cultural backgrounds by taking advantage of newopportunities, resources and strategies. This local political diversificationdoes not, however, necessarily indicate the level of the country'sdemocratic maturity.

My interview data revealed two distinct groups of local elites andelite aspirants: "risers", those new to politics and power, and"holdovers", those who transformed their old political capital andremain competitive in post-authoritarian local power struggles. The riserstap resources such as community, identity and civil society--related agendas.These new elites are heterogeneous, with a wide range of interests anddiverse socio-economic backgrounds, but they seem to share a common view.That is, they regard political power as an instrument for gaining socialmobility and material reward.

In the risers group, those whom I call political challengers donot seem interested primarily in material rewards and mobility. They in factdeserve special attention because their presence reflects the state ofpost-authoritarian politics in contemporary Indonesia. (29) Some Indonesiansand reformist activists in particular have become quite frustrated by majorpolitical actors, including political parties. (30) Political challengers,who are mostly from pro-democracy and civil society organizations, have begunto engage in electoral politics because they recognize the strategicimportance of formal political processes for their causes. I will examineexemplary cases in the following sections of the article.

As the data in Table 1 shows, Indonesia's new local elitescome from a broad range of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds and have astrong presence in local government and politics. Their life stories showdifferent patterns of interplay among personal backgrounds, motivations andstrategies. Three distinct kinds of risers seem prominent: (1) those usingelectoral democracy to launch their political careers and seek socialprestige and material rewards, (2) those in business and entering politicsout of a desire to gain direct control of the local government, and (3)reformist activists and minority-group leaders entering local politics torealize a political cause or communal agenda.

The second group of risers consists of business people who havebegun to show greater interest in local government as Indonesia's localauthorities now control substantially greater amounts of resources. (38)Members of the business community often seek to gain political influence toprofit from government contracts or other favourable arrangements with thegovernment. However, in recent years a small but increasing number ofbusiness people have attempted to gain direct control over local governmentsby running for office in local elections. As a result, the division betweenpolitical and economic elites has become increasingly blurred. Gusti IwanSuryanegara is a good example of a businessman determined to pursue the topposition in local government. (39) Former chairman of the Association ofIndonesian Young Businessmen (Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia, HIPMI) and asuccessful Malay businessman, Iwan was born in 1974 into a high-status familyin Mempawah. Although his parents, the village head and a schoolheadmistress, wished him to follow an academic or civil service career, Iwanchose business. When I interviewed him in 2009, he was involved in variousbusinesses, including palm oil plantations, a travel agency, and amultinational consortium to build a power plant. Coming clean about his planto run in the 2014 election for the position of regent of Mempawah, Iwansaid, "no matter how much money you have, you still do not get the samerespect from the people as local government heads". 006ab0faaa

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