

  • There will be two sessions each day.

  • Each session will have different speakers and topics.

  • Sessions will be hosted on Google Meet.

  • Video calls will open ten minutes before session start

  • We will use a single video call for all consecutive sessions (featured talks, lightning talks, Q&A, etc).

  • You must register to join the video calls.

  • Note: All times are in US Pacific Time (PDT)

Session 1

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 9:00 am PDT - 11:00 am PDT

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 443-971-1107‬ PIN: ‪727 741 189‬#

More phone numbers:

8:50 am PDT Video call opens

9:00 am PDT Opening comments

9:05 am PDT Featured Talk

Computing + Data Science Education - Peli de Halleux (MakeCode)

9:20 am PDT Lightning Talks

Studio4Education, Un-block Your Abilities! - Sébastien Canet (Lycée Livet)

BIPES: IoT and Embedded Systems Programming Using Blockly in 5 Minutes - Rafael Vidal Aroca (Univ. São Carlos)

Programming Cellular Automata with Blockly - Max Bittker (Sandspiel)

Functional Programming with Blockly: A Work in Progress - Mark Friedman (DWIM Software)

10:00 am PDT Q&A

10:30 am PDT "Tea time" (social and topic-specific breakout rooms)

11:00 am PDT End

Session 2

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 6:00 pm PDT - 8:00 pm PDT

Google Meet joining info (Google Meet info is the same as for Session 1)

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 443-971-1107‬ PIN: ‪727 741 189‬#

More phone numbers:

5:50 pm PDT Video call opens

6:00 pm PDT Opening comments

6:05 pm PDT Featured Talks

Demo of Pre-release Versions of Blockly (from 2011) - Neil Fraser (Blockly)

Blockly Team Plugin Show & Tell - Abby Schmiedt (Blockly)

6:35 pm PDT Lightning Talks

Dynamic Block Recommendation Through Shadow Blocks - Jonathan Small (ArcTaurus)

ExtJS Combos => Blockly, Plus Dynamic Chaining Insanity! - Scott Murawski (IntellaSoft LLC)

6:55 pm PDT Q&A

7:25 pm PDT "Tea time" (social and topic-specific breakout rooms)

8:00 pm PDT End

Session 3

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022 9:00 am PDT - 11:00 am PDT

Google Meet joining info (Google Meet info is the same as for Session 1)

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 443-971-1107‬ PIN: ‪727 741 189‬#

More phone numbers:

8:50 am PDT Video call opens

9:00 am PDT Opening comments

9:05 am PDT Featured Talk

Exploring the Intersection of AI and Education: Experiences with MIT App Inventor - Evan Patton (App Inventor)

9:20 am PDT Lightning Talks

Using Language Workbenches to Generate Block-based Environments - Mauricio Verano Merino (Vrije Univ.)

Designing an Integrated Interactive Tutorial for a Blockly Application - Amber Miller (ArcTaurus)

A Blocks-based Environment for Introducing DOM/JS Programming as Part of a Full Stack Training Course - Greg Dyke (Avaloq)

9:50 am PDT Q&A

10:20 am PDT "Tea time" (social and topic-specific breakout rooms)

11:00 am PDT End

Session 4

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022 6:00 pm PDT - 8:00 pm PDT

Google Meet joining info (Google Meet info is the same as for Session 1)

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 443-971-1107‬ PIN: ‪727 741 189‬#

More phone numbers:

5:50 pm PDT Video call opens

6:00 pm PDT Opening comments

6:05 pm PDT Featured Talks

Sound Effect Block Field Editor - Richard Knoll (MakeCode)

Advantages of Designing Custom Fields - Beka Westberg (Blockly)

6:35 pm PDT Lightning Talks

An App to Guide Students Through Problems From an Introductory Programming Class - Jason Schanker (Molloy College)

Blawx: User-Friendly Rules as Code - Jason Morris (Service Canada)

6:55 pm PDT Q&A

7:25 pm PDT "Tea time" (social and topic-specific breakout rooms)

8:00 pm PDT End