Set Up Modules

How to set up the modules on your own:

This page is for instructions on setting up and running each of the different tests modules that we have described on this website. Follow the instructions here and then go to the module page that you would like to test to get specific instructions on how and when to deploy each individual contract or test.

Things Needed

Remix - Online Ethereum IDE

Ganache - Truffle Suite

    • Can be found here:

    • Go to the download and click

    • Go to your file explorer downloads and click on the APPX file to start the install

    • Go through the install process and then Open Ganache


Our Code

Importing Files into Remix

    • Open the Remix IDE

    • Click on the side bar the file image

    • Once in the workspace click the image that looks like and upload arrow It should say "Load a local file into current workspace"

    • This should open file explorer. Navigate to the Extracted folder with all of the files it should look like this:

    • Click on the module file that you want to run

    • then select the proper .sol file that you want to run

    • Then Remix will add the file to the default workspace

    • Click on the file to open it

    • Remix will look something like this:

    • You have now imported the specific file into remix

    • At this point proceed to the individual module's page and follow the steps there to run the file as it was intended.

Click the icon on the left to deploy and run transactions. In the environment select Ganach Provider.

When selected, you will need to input the Ganache JSON-RPC Endpoint. The port number can be found in Ganache by going to Settings->Server->Port Number (typically 7545 is used).