Block creator is an app that helps you to create New BLOCK in blockchain technology. It is also known as block creator bitcoin mining app . This is bitcoin mining app, by this app you can create new block and get your reward for your contribution in creating new block for blockchain technology.
how to use ?
Install the app from below link and open the app,
Read all the agreements carefully
Signup with your name and email
Read all the captions in app, also read what is Verifying Bitcoin Transactions
Enter your wallet address and proceed to create block
Try to create block by clicking on start button
After get success verify your block and get reward.
Why this app give you profit
The person or company who creating/Making ledger format for bitcoin is called miner.
Ledger also known as block in mining language, Bitcoin network system aims to create 1 block after 10 minutes
If anyone get success to create block then they get reward for their effort to create the block.
This app also give you reward if your contribution get success in creating block.