Blobby Boi

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains what data the mobile game Blobby Boi (which will be referred to as “the game” & "this game" from this point on) collects and why.

What information is collected or stored?

The game does not collect, store or transmit any data not strictly necessary for its operation. The game stores the following information on your device while you play:

  • High score

This data is stored for the sole purpose of making sure that all of the time and effort you put into the game getting the highest score possible stays saved on your device and is ready to be loaded up again when you open the game.

The data may be copied to other servers or media through backup or syncing procedures (ie. When you make a backup of your device via iCloud or physical backup to a computer) that are implemented by your operating system. In addition to this, the operating system may collect and submit crash reports and usage data if you’ve opted in.

For users on iOS/iPadOS, view Apple’s Privacy Policy here:

For users on Android, view Google’s privacy policy here:

Third-Party Services

This game uses remote config to tweak the games settings without having to push an update to all users. In addition to this, Unity may collect some non-identifiable data in the background on their end. If you are concerned or have questions about remote config or what potential data Unity is collecting, see Unity’s privacy policy here:

Other than that, the game does not use any other third-party services to track, collect or store information about users. Because of this, the game heavily relies on reviews, emails & social media messages to obtain insights on where and if players find things difficult during gameplay and tweak the gameplay experience based on this feedback to enhance the game and make it more enjoyable.


If you have any other questions or feedback about the game, please do not hesitate to contact me here.