BLM Greenlist

About this list

This list is to encourage donations through large corporations who can make a big difference. How do we do that? Ask them! The goal is to move the needle towards green. Below are ways to reach them (e.g. twitter, IG) etc. The companies listed have 1 of 3 status:

Green: Supports BLM and/or anti-racist causes and has committed funds

Gray: Has publicly taken a stand against racial injustice, but not committed funds

Red: Has not publicly taken a stand either way


As people are killed and beaten and cities burn, very few corporations are actually supporting peaceful solutions to end racial injustice.

The Greenlist is a social fundraising resource meant to move companies up the list and commit to #blacklivesmatter and anti-racist causes WITH MONEY, not to debate as to what is “good enough” or if they are doing/have done other harm elsewhere. If you have personally donated any money, good. Let’s up the ante and convince corporations to do their part.

It’s especially important we push those on the GRAYLIST that have spoken up and supposedly taken a stand to prove that this is not just lip service for the sake of good PR.

This list is crowdsourced yet moderated for obvious reasons

  • As a company’s status changes (if it changes) it will be updated.

  • The omission of any business is not on purpose, this list is in no order

  • If anyone has ANY suggestions/additions/updates or if there is a mistake please note by filling out this form, and leave a link of your claim if a company has updated their stance.

I want to help. What do I do?

  1. Spread this list:

  2. Reach out to these companies on their social media and encourage action

Green List

Has committed money, encourage them to challenge their competitors now, and hold them accountable to these statements

Black Lives Matter Green List

Gray List

These companies have put out statements of support but little more. Encourage them to put their money where their mouth is and commit to donating to end this.

Here is a simple copy/paste massage you can tweet to them:

It’s great that you’re speaking up about racial injustice. Many people and businesses are amplifying this message with a financial commitment. Won’t you too take action by donating to the cause? #blacklivesmatter #BLMgreenlist #openyourpurse

Black Lives Matter Green List

Red List

SIlent. Encourage them to speak up or lose your business

Black Lives Matter Green List