privacy policy

We're committed to protecting your privacy. We have prepared this Privacy Policy to describe our practices regarding the Personal Data we collect via downloadable application (“App”).

Scope of Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to all the users of our apps in Apple Appstore and Google playstore.

User Consent

By downloading or using any App, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and you expressly consent to the collection and usage of your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data Collection

We do not collect any personal information about you. In other words, we do not collect information such as your address, phone number credit card or banking details.

(a) Data You Provide to Us.

  • If you provide us feedback or contact us (for support, for example), we will collect Personal Data including your name (and e-mail address or other address you provide), as well as any other content included in the communication. We use this information to assist you with your query or support request and to send you communications.

  • We collect your email address (if you choose to provide it while giving feedback), and we use it to send you the communications, including a newsletter, product updates, product announcements, and messages about products or services we think you may be interested in. When you provide comments on our social networking service accounts (like the invotyx Face book page), we collect your information to communicate with you.

  • We do not display potentially objectionable content, such as nudity, pornography, and profanity. Location


We do not use or collect your precise geographic location


If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us:

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Invotyx may modify or update this Privacy Policy every now and then, so please review it periodically. Your continued use of our apps or the Service after any modification to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such modification.