BlindVision Fitness
A fitness assistance to help the blind!
Our Mission:
Having proper technique and form is crucial when performing a physical exercise to avoid incurring injuries as well as getting the most out of the action; however, this is significantly more difficult to verify for someone with a visual impairment. To address this problem, we propose a system that combines both pose estimation along with a voice-command based interface to allow people with visual impairments to receive guidance on proper physical fitness technique.
How to Setup
Before using our tools, you will need one of the following kits:
-our dedicated assistance device
-raspberry pi with connected camera
Raspberry Pi & Accessories
Once you have powered on the RPi, open up the terminal and enter the following command: crontab -e
Select nano as the editor
within the editor, navigate to the bottom and enter the following line: @reboot python3 /home/pi/[location of your file]
Once you put in the correct path, press ctrl+X, and follow the prompts to save the file.
You may now shut down the pi and unplug any displays; to use the system simply power it on and follow the voice prompts.
Dedicated Device
Position the device where you want to exercise.
Press the power button.
Follow the voice prompts to monitor your exercise.
Press the power button again when you need to shutdown.
Contact to get more information on the project