Other Apps

The Morse Music app is a synthesis of music player and musical instrument. To use it, you do not have to learn musical notes and practice playing on a multi-key keyboard. But that doesn't mean you don't need any skills at all.

The application contains several built-in songs, for the performance of which you will have to listen to them  and memorize their rhythm.  After that, you will only have to press a single button at the right time, observing the duration of the sound of musical notes and the pauses between them.

The Visual Contact application allows you to show people around you (within sight) short messages using the screen of your iPhone. For example, two-line text in capital letters in green on a black background on a 4.7-inch iPhone is easily readable by a person with normal vision from up to 12 meters (about 40 feet) away.

Express your thoughts, emotions and feelings, greet, say goodbye, congratulate, coordinate actions, warn, demand, vote, ask for help, give a clue, find each other in a crowd and so on even if the mobile network is unavailable.