The classic bleep test, known officially as the multi-stage fitness test, is anaccurate measurement of athletic endurance. Used all over the world to testprofessional and amateur fitness, the bleep test is often included duringrecruitment for active careers, such as police services and armies. The bleeptest provides a good measure of a person's maximum oxygen uptake, or VO2 Max.

The bleep test is performed with two cones placed twenty metres apart, used as ashuttle run. The bleep test includes 21 levels, starting at a running speed of8.5 km/h, increasing by 0.5 km/h with each level. Each level lasts 62 seconds,with a person's score recorded as the last point at which they can keep in syncwith the bleeps.

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Completion of the JRFT is a requirement for successful recruitment to the role of a police officer. The core rationale for the JRFT is to ensure that prospective police officers have a minimum level of fitness to be able to undertake PST training. The standard identified for recruits was extended to serving officers in 2014 following the endorsement of the Winsor Review (Part II) recommendations. This annual test is only applicable for those officers who require PST as part of their role.

The 15m MSFT involves running up and down (a shuttle run) a 15-metre track. It is timed against a series of audio beeps and the participant must 'beat the bleep' and complete the shuttle before they hear the sound.

The standard needed for an officer who requires PST as part of their role is 5.4 which means running at least in time with the bleeps for four shuttles at level 5. The whole test takes 3 minutes and 35 seconds and covers 525m.

This test takes place on a treadmill. After a suitable warm up the subject is required to walk at a brisk pace (6km/hr) on the treadmill. Every two minutes the gradient is raised by 3% for a specific amount of time. The length of time an individual must continue depends on the kind of policing role.

Here is a table of the number of shuttles required to run for each level of the 15m bleep test, with calculations for the speeds, times and distances for each level. There is a similar table for the 15m PACER test which has very different timings. See also a similar table for the 20m beep test.

Note: the above table values is believed to be correct, and is the same as the 15m Bleep test audio files that are currently available online However, a presentation by Kevin Sykes online describes the test differently, with the 15m version as being designed so that the running speed at each level is same as 20m test, with the same number of turns per level as the duration of each level is reduced from 1min to 45secs.

The ultimate beep test package, including two versions of the beep test audio file (male and female voice), an audio track with only the beeps (no voices), 8 audio tracks for training at specific test levels, an Excel spreadsheet with an offline calculator and tables for recording, analyzing and presenting results, a 12-page eBook beep test guide which includes a PARQ, informed consent form, and test recording sheet plus much more. All these files are available individually for $5 each, or even better get them all for $10. Check out the details.

We have over 400 fitness tests listed, so it's not easy to choose the best one to use. You should consider the validity, reliability, costs and ease of use for each test. Use our testing guide to conducting, recording, and interpreting fitness tests. Any questions, please ask or search for your answer. To keep up with the latest in sport science and this website, subscribe to our newsletter. We are also on facebook and twitter.

Along with the 1.5mile run, the bleep test is the only other running only part of the PRMC that you can specifically train for. The assault course and endurance course is just a case of training both endurance and stamina in the round. But for the 1.5miler and the bleep test, you know what is coming and you test and measure yourself so you KNOW what time/score you are capable of getting.

The Multistage Fitness Test, otherwise known as the beep test, bleep test, or the 20m shuttle run test, is a continuous sub-maximal test that has become the most recognised tool for measuring aerobic power (1). This test was originally developed for adults in 1982 by Leger and Lambert (2) and then modified later in 1988 for children, by reducing the stages from two minutes to one minute by Leger et al. (1988) (3). It is an extremely simple test, which requires minimal equipment and demands the athlete(s) to run continuously until volitional exhaustion.

It requires the athlete to perform continuous 20m shuttle runs, whereby the individual must reach the opposite end of the 20m grid before the next beep sounds. The time between recorded beeps decreases each minute, forcing the individuals to increase their running speed. It is this increase in speed that reflects the increase in difficulty/intensity. There are numerous variations of this test, but the most commonly used protocol has an initial running velocity of 8.5 km/hr and increases the speed by 0.5 km/hr each minute thereafter.

It is important to note that whenever fitness testing is performed, it must be done so in a consistent environment (i.e. facility) so it is protected from varying weather types, and with a dependable surface that is not affected by wet or slippery conditions. If the environment is not consistent, the reliability of repeated tests at later dates can be substantially hindered and result in worthless data.


The test is comprised of 23 levels, each level lasting approximately one minute. The starting speed is 8.5 km/hr and increases by 0.5 km/hr at each level thereafter. As the individual progresses through the levels, the speed between the beeps decreases giving the individual less time to complete each shuttle, thus increasing the intensity. A single beep indicates the end of each shuttle, whilst three simultaneous beeps indicates the start of the next level.

It is critical the coach understands the test is both valid and reliable before they include it within their testing battery. Any test that lacks significant validity and/or reliability will produce worthless results that should not be used literally. Moreover, even a test with sufficient validity and reliability will still have some degree of error/inconsistency, but understanding how much is a crucial part of the data analysis.

The number of shuttles required per level increases as the beep test progresses. Given there is approximately one minute per level, and the required running distance remains constant (20 metres) throughout the beep test, the time between audible beeps reduces each level requiring the participant to run faster in order to maintain the required pace set by the audio tone.

The objective of the beep test is for participants to remain in the test for as long as possible until they are unable to reach the end line on two consecutive beeps or they stop the test voluntarily, usually due to exhaustion!

The beep test protocols, or rules, may vary a little from one organisation to another, but generally speaking, they should be pretty similar across the board. Here are the generally accepted protocols for the beep test:

For most beep test participants, VO2 max measurements are not important, what is usually important to them is reaching the highest beep test score than can. However, for interest sake, the chart below shows the VO2 max estimated at the end of each level of the beep test.

The beep test is broadly accepted as a reliable, standardised cardiovascular endurance test. For these reasons, many organisations use the test for their specific purpose. It might be used to assess candidates for certain career paths. Sporting groups may use the beep test for training purposes or to assess players for certain grade or level qualifications.

Casual or recreational athletes may use the beep test as a way to set themselves a simple and effective measurement method of their progress, particularly given its simplicity and lack of specialised equipment needed to run the test.

Be as efficient and economical with your technique and energy consumption during the test as possible. Correct running technique, timing, foot placement and turning technique are all elements that will improve your performance

A base of solid cardiovascular fitness should be your starting point. Longer, low to moderate intensity, runs will help build up your cardiovascular base. It will also give you the opportunity to focus on a smooth and efficient running rhythm, which is important during the beep test.

Specific interval drills that address the movement patterns of the beep test are far more beneficial than general interval training drills. Touch and turn drills, tube sprints and beep test relays can be very effective. Of course, doing the beep test is also a good idea!

The Beep Test was developed by Luc Lger at the University of Montreal based on the University of Montreal Track Test (UMTT). He formulated this test to accurately measure the VO2 max that a person can reach in a smaller space either outdoors or in. This made the test versatile and after much research on its efficacy in measuring aerobic fitness, it became widely popular.

The first paper he and a colleague published on the test came together in 1982. From there, many studies have been conducted to verify the efficacy of the test. Most prove that it does, in fact, reflect the measurements well. Others have modified the test over time resulting in

The name of the test outlines the entire structure. Your physiological and mental fitness are tested by beeps or bleeps. Thankfully, the bleeps are nothing close to jolting or mind-numbing. However, their increasing intensity becomes daunting and as exhausting as a full game of soccer.

The test in total is around 22 minutes long, and if fully completed, the participants run a distance of 4,780 meters. As you can see by the chart the pace increases gradually over the levels and requires that participants be precise when running between the markers as the pace increases. ff782bc1db

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