
Laboratory analyses

We use several analytical instruments to acquire new geochemical data (elemental concentrations and isotopic ratios) from geological materials. Our laboratory includes an automated ion chromatography instrument, a quadrupole ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer), and a multi-collector magnetic sector ICP-MS. These instruments allow us to obtain high-throughput, precise data for a broad range of elements and isotopic systems. Much of our current work focuses on the isotopic systems of calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. See photos of the construction process and the finished lab spaces!

Laboratory experiments

Geological environments can sometimes be better understood through study of analogue systems in the laboratory. We are currently conducting experiments using an analogue lake basin to understand the chemical evolution of these systems during evaporative precipitation.

Going to sea

Sediments collected from the seafloor represent some of our best archives for understanding relatively recent (e.g. Cenozoic) Earth history. These can be obtained during expeditions on specialized oceanographic research vessels and sampled from archived repositories. Clara has been on 2 research cruises, and is headed out again in December 2023 on IODP Exp. 401.

Geological fieldwork

Sedimentary rocks exposed on the continents provide a complicated record of Earth's environments and their evolution over billions of years. We have worked on samples collected from field sites in many places including Russia, Australia, Canada, and the USA, often working closely with international collaborators.

Most recently, Lauren and Clara were looking at some glauconite-rich rocks of the Shepard Formation in Montana.

Visiting core repositories

In addition to collecting rocks from the field, we like to make use of core material sourced from continental drilling projects. For example, members of the group have visited the Core and Cuttings Repository of the Florida Geological Survey in Tallahassee to sample Eocene-aged sedimentary rocks from deep within the Florida and Bahamas platforms. We also visited the Missouri Geological Survey in Rolla to sample cores bearing the Cambrian SPICE event.


Contributions to the curriculum at UChicago:

Also, contributor to PhD training program, Evolutionary Environmental Biology: Biology & the Environment in the 21st Century 


We help teach Environmental and Data Science to students from local high schools through the University of Chicago's Collegiate Scholars Program. These Saturday classes and 6-week summer program help expose students to scientific ideas, data literacy skills, and college-style coursework. We also participate in the South Side Science Festival and department Open House days to bring our research to the broader public.


We are happy to host visitors who can make good use of our facilities to do some exciting collaborative work. Please get in touch if you have interesting scientific ideas or samples!