Mission Statement

Our club’s motto is spreading peace through understanding, and through this motto, we members of the MSA strive to give Muslim students a place at BLA where they can all come together. The club also aims to keep the legacy of those before us going in regards to providing non-muslim students a platform to understand Islam in a better light. We will meet once a week and hold meetings that range from light and fun game-centered events to events that address pressing problems faced by the Muslim community. Some events include Hijab Day, an event where a discussion takes place regarding the nature of the Hijab and feminism in Islam. In addition, we also have presentation discussing the empowerment of women in Islam. Another important event held by MSA was Islamophobia in America. The event held an open discussion that aimed to dispel myths and fears harbored against Islam, an important task and huge responsibility as the school's only Muslim organization.

What do we want to Accomplish?


  • Hijab awareness in the Muslim World

  • Cultural Events

  • To discuss Current events that is affecting the Muslim community at large

  • To always be model students and community members: dress neatly, be polite, and strive for academic excellence.

  • Posting a Surah or Hadith every week in our Musallah so we can remind ourselves of what it means to be a Muslim

  • To speak with other associations to clear misconceptions about their religions as well, we can hope to come together with other religious-based non-school sponsored clubs to enhance dialogue between our different religious groups in order to combat misunderstandings that many of us have about each others’ faiths

  • Volunteering at shelters, and local organizations to demonstrate the importance of charity in Islam

About Islam:Core Principles

Five Pillars of Islam

BLA Muslim Students Association Interest Form