Blaise Yvert, Ph. D.

Neurotechnology and network dynamics

Neurotech lab

Grenoble Institute for Neuroscience

INSERM and Univ Grenoble Alpes

Research interests

We are interested in neural engineering for understanding the cortical dynamics underlying speech and vocal production, and finding strategies to restore speech in people who have lost communication abilities. Through several national and international collaborations, we:

Finally, we also conduct an ethical reflection with philosophers on the implication of neural engineering at the level of patients and society.

Selected publications

Neurotechnology and network dynamics

Grenoble Institute for Neuroscience 

Inserm and Univ Grenoble Alpes U1216

Bât Biologie B, 2280 rue de la piscine

38400 Saint Martin d'Hères - France 

blaise.yvert ( at )