GED Option #2

The program allows Blair-Taylor School District to use the GED test battery to measure proficiency in lieu of high school credit for students enrolled in an alternative education program. A student who passes the GED tests and completes the other requirements for graduation is entitled to the traditional high school diploma. We are able to give the GED tests to the students that are in our program, in-house. This is different from years prior where they had to travel to a college to take these tests.

The Wisconsin state requirements are as follows:

  1. Students served will be at least 17 years of age.

  2. Students will be at least one year behind their (9th grade) class in credits earned.

  3. Students served should be able to demonstrate an ability to read at or above the 9th-grade level.

  4. A formal meeting(s) will be held before a student is allowed to begin a GEDO #2 program. This meeting will include a discussion of the educational options available to the student; the academic, attendance and behavioral expectations of the student once in the program; and the anticipated goal of the program (traditional high school diploma). Educational options should also be discussed if a student completes academic preparation before they are eligible to take the final GED test. The student, his or her parent or guardian, the student’s school counselor, principal, and at least one teacher (or their designees) must participate in the meeting(s).

  5. Students must volunteer for the program after participating in the meeting described in (d) above.

  6. A contract with the student, the student’s parent/guardian(s), the school, and the GEDO #2 program coordinator outlining the hours of attendance, academic and behavioral expectations, and services to be provided by the school district will be signed.

  7. At least 15 hours of instruction are required each week. The student will be required to participate in at least 10 hours of math, science, social studies, language arts, or health instruction each week until his/her instructors certify that he or she is academically prepared to take the final GED test. At this point, a larger portion of the student’s 15 hours per week can be devoted to experiential training (e.g., vocational/technical education, art, music, foreign language, or work experience). All students must be continuously enrolled and attending the program until they are eligible to take the final GED test.

  8. Students with disabilities will not be excluded from the program but must have a current IEP recommending participation in GEDO #2. The IEP must document any related aids and services necessary for the successful completion of the program.

  9. Students participating in the GEDO #2 program will be required to meet the high school graduation requirements under §118.33, Stats. or district policy.

  10. Students who successfully complete GEDO #2 requirements will be entitled to a traditional high school diploma issued by their school district and to participate in the same graduation ceremony as other high school graduates.

  11. Program data required by GED Testing Service will be collected and submitted to the Department of Public Instruction each year.