You raise a good point, although i have 8 characters i've had to use 2 of them as storage characters as i've unlocked all storage spaces + premium on 2 characters and i still frequently hit space limits.

Theres allot of cosmetics and cosmetics that cant be put into F3 even after all these years.

Honestly, 2 character slots is plenty to find out if you like the game. If you create a character you don't enjoy playing, delete it then you can create another one and try that. So you can, try all classes if you wish.

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For example, create 2, play on number 2 , while number 1 is deleting. Create another, delete 2 while playing new 1 etc... Find out what you enjoy and what you don't enjoy. (It only takes 5 minutes for a character to delete.)

I came back today after being away for 2 days. And now I don't have my character anymore. It is gone!. After spending some time doing all the quests etc. It would suck if I have to do everything again.

Soul Boost Season 2 will continue to reward your characters with a large variety of items. Whether your characters reached level 60 or not, you will find something to help their progressions with items such as the following:

On March 16, the Unchained Chaos update is bringing an exciting new feature to Blade & Soul: Class Change! It will be a unique opportunity to make your characters switch combat styles and abilities. Class Change is a complete modification of your character because you can also change their race and looks!

Next, you will be presented with the options to select your character's new class and, if you want to, their new race. Your final step will be to confirm this change, and you will be asked to confirm your choices twice.

Finally, you will be asked to confirm the change in a final step. We want to make sure that you have multiple opportunities to think that this change is permanent. You will have time to make sure that you're making the right choices for your character.

Why is it so hard to transfer stuff between characters on the same account?! This is a standard feature in almost every MMO, yet it's completely absent from BnS. Buy an outfit on the store? Can only use it on one character. Have a weapon you've been trying to get but found it on the wrong character? You're screwed.

I have a bunch of stuff i wanna send to my main character before i delete my alt, but it's impossible because most of it cant be sent even though it CAN be traded. So i'm stuck selling it all and just sending the money to my main character... Not only that, but i'm about to get the Regium Corvus outfit from the wheel, but i dont like how it looks on females. I wanna store it until i can buy another character slot and create a male character for it, but if i claim it on one of my current females, it's stuck there. For that reason, i'm having to delete my alt to make space for a male character to give it to. This is just ridiculous, it's NEVER this hard in any other game. Why are there multiple tabs to the vault (only the primary of which can hold outfits), if there's no account-wide storage? This just doesnt make any sense.

Tradeable items can be mailed to your Main/Alt, As for items that cant be sent but can be traded find someone you trust a lot and get it done. the Regium Corvus doesn't get sent too your current character it gets left in the chest in the bottom right of your screen which is shared across all characters on your account Claim it on whoever you want just make sure your on the character you want it on before claiming from the chest..

Sadly i dont have any friends that play BnS. I simply dont understand why tradable items arent allowed to be sent via mail, I've already started selling everything, then i'm just gonna send all the money to my main character. As for the Regium Corvus, that's what i mean. Once you claim it, it's only available to one of your characters, and cant be swapped to another character. Same for the Hongmoon Store items. If i pay for it, it should be available to as many characters on the account as i want. Oh well, hopefully there will be enough community outcry to make them add account-wide storage.

Cant speak for most MMO's, as i'm very choosy when it comes to what MMO's i play, but i know Guild Wars doesnt restrict costumes and skins to a single character. Plus all character share a single gold pool, so it's MUCH more convenient to play multiple characters. It almost seems like these guys dont want us to play multiple characters in BnS

I've played GW2 since the beta's. Originally skins were per character (even RMT purchased skins) and were consumed ON USE. So one time use only! If you decided to change the appearance to something else you lost the skin and would have to repurchase. As for shared gold pool, GW2 is about the only one that does this and it was also a year in happening. I'm not saying these are not nice features to have; just that they are not the norm. It should also be said with GW2 unless you do a lot of map completion or were a veteran player when the changes went into effect you only can obtain 3 mute stones per month without spending actual money. One mute stone is used per armor appearance change. With six armor slots - not including your weapons - to change it takes you two months to be able to fully change armor appearance per character without spending additional money on top of the costume prices.

People can fight it all they want but the fact is costumes in most games are PER character once equipped. Some allow trading before it is equipped but not after. Either that or you can purchase account wide options for a higher price.

During another mission to set a trap for our crickets (the players), Anya accidentally makes contact with the cricket's soul, prompting her to question and be curious about the world for the first time.

Soul Edge (, Souru Ejji?) is the first installment in the Soul series fighting games developed and published by Namco. It was initially released in the arcades in 1995. A few months later, Namco released a fixed version labeled Soul Edge Ver. II, upon the complaints of players who found the difficulty quite high and the last boss "unbeatable". Hwang Seong-gyeong (initially a palette swap of Heishiro Mitsurugi for the Korean version of the game) was introduced to Japanese players with a new movelist, Cervantes de Leon became selectable, Guard Impacts and Air Combos were implemented, and all the characters received upgraded movelists. The game was then ported to the Sony Playstation and renamed Soul Blade in Europe, North America, and Australia to avoid potential complications with Edge Games. Soul Edge has been largely overshadowed by its sequel, Soulcalibur, which has been the moniker of the series since 1998.

Soul Edge was the second entirely weapons-based 3D fighter in history, following Battle Arena Toshinden by two years. Apart from the aesthetic benefits, giving the characters weapons allows for a greater diversity between them, meaning there is someone for every play style. One excellent concept of weapon-based combat implemented by Namco is the major factor that range has in gameplay. The slower, longer ranged characters try to deliver their heavy blows from a distance whereas the quicker, faster characters try to get in as close as possible and deliver quick-hitting attacks. All characters have moves that work at varying ranges though, so longer ranged characters can also hit surprisingly quickly and lesser ranged characters will get in the opponent's face within the blink of an eye if the enemy is careless.

One of the series' main attractions was that it was one of the first fighting games to feature detailed accounts of the individual fighters' motivations and common relations in their quest to achieve a common goal for varying purposes. Many players appreciate Namco's ability to introduce new characters to the series with interconnected storylines such that every character is linked to another somehow, with connections growing larger as the series progresses and the characters accomplish new tasks in the events of the story.

Soul Edge was created prior to the introduction of the "8-Way Run", which allowed the player to move their character in a complete range on the Y-axis. The characters can sidestep on either side by double-tapping up or down. The jump maneuver moves the player higher into the air, even allowing it to pass above the opponent. One of the most notable gameplay aspects is the "Weapon Gauge". This bar was found under the character's lifebar and was comparable to the equipped weapons' resistance. Each time the player blocked an attack, the bar would deplete. If the bar was totally emptied, the character would lose his/her weapon and be forced to end the match unarmed. Though this is an original idea, unfortunately the unarmed move-lists are the same for every character. Another feature that was removed from Soulcalibur's engine is when two character strike at the same time, "locking" their weapons. In those situations, those who pressed the right button would have the advantage. This aspect behaves similarly to rock-paper-scissors. e24fc04721

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