BlackSpruce Software Privacy Policy

Google has asked that I write a Privacy policy for my apps. This policy covers the following apps on the Play Store created by BlackSpruce Software; "Let's Print Droid", "Let's Print PDF", "Air-Share and Air-Launch", "ChimeIn" and 'Critter-Cam'. (com.blackspruce.lpd, com.blackspruce.mupdf, com.blackspruce.gloo, com.blackspruce.chimein, com.blackspruce.crittercam)

I have never read anyone's privacy policy before, let alone written one. I am not a lawyer and so I'll make it simple. It is my understanding that since these apps were authored and published in Canada that they are subject to Canadian Privacy law.

BlackSpruce collects no personally identifiable information from the users of the above mentioned apps. I do forward some anonymous usage information from the apps to the Google Analytics server. This Analytics information is not shared with any third party. You should assume however that Google itself has access to this analytics information as it reside on their servers. The information includes crash reports and usage data such as file names, mime/data types, device make and model information, Android version, etc. This information is used to identify bugs in the apps and resolve issues that users may be having.

As for individual permissions uses such as READ_CONTACTS; these permissions are included if they are relevant to the app. For example in Air-Share you can share Contacts between two devices. In Let's Print Droid the USER_ACCOUNTS privilege is used to find a suitable name tag to identify your print jobs to remote print servers. In ChimeIn the RECORD_AUDIO permission is used to transmit your voice to other ChimeIn users. In Critter-Cam the camera and record audio permission are used to take pictures and video of whatever subject the user chooses. The photos and videos do not leave the device unless the user chooses to share them. In each case the data are not collected or stored by BlackSpruce and are not transmitted beyond your local Wifi network. None of my apps are Cloud based apps.

If you have more questions about this topic then please email me at the address given on the apps Play page.



"Zero-sum games are for losers."