
Mobile application android

World attractions


Recognize and guess countries and cities by their attractions.

Each level has a photo of a tourist attraction and four answer options. If you choose the right answer, a brief description of the landmark appears. There's also a game mode, where you need to guess the countries by flags and set their belonging to the attractions.

The application presents interesting places from all over the world: monuments, museums, pyramids, fortresses, castles, palaces, squares, towers, bridges, unusual buildings, navigable canals, parks, theaters, universities, mountains, caves, rivers and much more.

Dice Merge


An interesting puzzle for logical thinking, different game modes and many interesting levels.

Place the cubes on the playing field in such a way that there are bones with the same number of dots nearby. Then combine them, earn points and win!

World Treasures


Collect treasures and discover the sights of the world!

Embark on an exciting journey around the world in search of treasures. Pass the levels and discover the sights of various countries of the world. The Tower Bridge of Great Britain, the Eiffel Tower of France, the Colosseum of Italy and many other sights of the world.

Color path


Move colored blocks and make a route to reach the goal.

Your goal is to make a route from point A to point B using the available colored cubes on the playing field. You can move horizontally and vertically. Colored blocks need to go in the correct order, as their number is limited.

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