Setup Your PC

Computer Side

Please make sure you have ADB (Android Debug Bridge) driver installed.

You DON'T NEED to ROOT your phone.

Blackey will communicate with your phone under ADB mode, which is under Android's security protection.


您並不需要ROOT您的手機, Blackey將會跟您的手機透過ADB模式進行交互, 此交互將受到Android的安全機制保護.

Windows User

ADB Driver

If you are using the Nexus device, you can downlaod it from Google Website.

Otherwise, you can refer to the OEM USB Driver list to get certain USB driver.

For different Windows version, you can refer to the installation guide.

如果您是Nexus系列用戶, 您可以直接在Google的官方網站下載到Android USB Driver,

如果使用其它廠牌的Android手機, 則可以在OEM廠商的USB Driver列表中下載對應的驅動程式.

針對不同的Windows OS, 請依據這份使用導覽進行安裝.

MAC User

ADB Driver

The ADB Driver is not need, it just works

您不需要安裝ADB驅動程式, MAC預設支援此模式.

Linux User

ADB Driver

Use apt-get install to install the adb package.

apt-get install adb

Make sure that you are in the plugdev group.

If you see the following error message, adb did not find you in the plugdev group:

error: insufficient permissions for device: udev requires plugdev group membership

Use id to see what groups you are in.

Use sudo usermod -aG plugdev $LOGNAME to add yourself to the plugdev group.