Black Ops Cold War Hacks

Black Ops Cold War Hacks with Aimbot

If you want to prove yourself in the CoD league game, you need a lot of experience, skill and perseverance. Or you get caught with cheats on stream.

The hacker problem in Call of Duty has been on everyone's lips since the release of Warzone. The fraudsters are now even attacking the paid Black Ops Cold War, as the faux pas of a streamer shows.

The player “yyyunggg” showed professional-level CoD gameplay on Twitch. Due to his high skill level, he also competed against players and casters of the Call of Duty League, while he was also streaming.

After the player was accused several times of being able to predict the positions of his opponents too well, he wanted to prove his innocence. To do this, he opened his task manager to show it in the stream. However, a lot went wrong and the viewers caught a few glances at the actual screen of the streamer.

The software he uses to cheat costs him just $ 9 (around € 7.43). He implies with a question that there are dozens of cheaters who can afford to do what everyone is doing. The video evokes a sour mood in the relevant thread.

Can you get caught ? No! Our Black ops COld War hacks are undetectable

How the players react: Many of the users on reddit seem to agree with the cheater. Nobody does anything against the fraudsters. The comment with the most upvotes comes from JohnBoy200 in which he writes:

“They'll do something if you have an offensive name, but I really don't think they care about cheaters. It would cost her money to investigate while seeing names right away. CoD is a cheater heaven. "

Several users agree with JohnBoy200 and feel that they are being let down against the cheaters. They claim that even the pros cheat in tournaments, and in fact there was a recent cheater skadal in a $ 250,000 tournament.

However, they find it important that the cheaters are reported anyway so that something might happen after all.

Is nothing really being done? However, the statement that the reports were not being investigated is apparently not entirely true. In the past, there have been more reports that several thousand scammers have been banned from the games.

It wasn't until the end of 2020 that Modern Warfare and Warzone banned over 200,000 cheaters. Only, according to the players, is not enough. There are still too many of them. So the fight against hacks and cheats continues.

How do you currently experience the cheat problem with CoD Cold War and Warzone? Is it really that extreme? Let us and other readers of MeinMMO know in the comments.