In professional broadcast, post and live production workflows, the audio is just as important as the video. Blackmagic Mini Converters maintain the cleanest possible audio signal and always keep it in sync with your video! Mini Converters support embedded SDI and HDMI audio, and there are several models that let you separately embed or de-embed it to balanced analog or AES/EBU digital connections. Mini Converters support 24 bit analog and AES/EBU audio, and feature standard 1/4 inch audio jacks so you don't need custom cables!

With the highest quality 10-bit video processing and low jitter SDI, Mini Converters are ideal for the stringent requirements of broadcast, post production and professional AV. You get incredibly low noise levels when moving between analog and digital video formats. Low SDI jitter and full SDI re-clocking means you can run long cable lengths without any loss of video quality. Specific models include up/down/cross conversion that lets you move easily between PAL and NTSC SD video standards and the high number of HD formats, and then all the way up to massive 3840 x 2160 Ultra HD resolutions!

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Mini Converter SDI to HDMI 6G also includes a full 33 point 3D lookup table for high precision color conversions. You can apply custom looks, color and gamma changes in realtime for on set monitoring. LUTs can also be used with the SDI loop output, turning the converter into a 3D LUT processor! The LUTs are compatible with DaVinci Resolve so you get consistent color on set and in post!

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Just in case someone has some insights. I look forward to any ability to simply share music to a meeting. Like a certain competitor offers. I'm moderating a meeting and they wanted music playing during breaks etc. It's a little clunky to share my screen just to share audio. So I thought I would add a second endpoint to the meeting. Set up an ATEM mini with music playing off of an ipad > 3.5mm > ATEM audio input. I know it's mono but can live with that. Audio passes as expected for the most part. I turn on music mode to and ensure there is no automatic volume or remove background noise selected. The music is still choppy during quiet passages. So there seems to be some extra noise reduction or automixing happening. It's much worse with music mode off of course.

Does the ATEM 1 M/E have audio pass through? If so, does it pass audio through from each source or only PGM audio? Specifically, if I route 4 different sources to the outputs (1 to PGM and 3 each to AUX) do they all get source audio or PGM audio?

Since I do not make money from these HiFi reviews I will not spend my time writing negative reviews as it is a waste of my time. I enjoy telling those of you who read or watch my reviews about the gear I LOVE in hopes that maybe it will help you in your HiFi journey along the way. I used to wonder what this or that would sound like and I try my best to just tell you what I hear and feel.

Over the years I have heard so many cables from brands like (but not limited to) Transparent, Nordost. Cardas, Acoustic Zen, Blue Jeans, AntiCables, Audioquest and many many more that range from under $100 to over $10k. My faves have usually been with Nordost as their current series offer up more meat and body than the older Nordost sound. They are wide open and airy as well as champions in imaging but even Nordost cables can be too much of a good thing in certain systems. 

Sometimes I hear that Nordost character a bit too much with some music. Sometimes they can sound just a touch dry depending on the system, and yes, speaker cables can and do alter the sound of the system if your system is revealing enough of changes.

Let me say this first. I believe there is no speaker cable that is 100% transparent. Every cable I have tried, even the $15 special at Wal Mart, colors the sound in some way. That cheap Wal Mart cable can make music, sure! It can also add grain, smearing, and sound quite flat in a system with revealing components. That wire is fine for most systems in the $1500 range or under but when you step up to the amps, dacs and speakers that set you back several thousand dollars you will want a better speaker cable as this is what carries the signal, is it not? The cables are what carries the musical signal that our pricey amps amplify!

I am not one that says you must spend a fortune on cables for your system, rather I suggest buying cables based on what you spent on your front end gear and speakers. If your system clocks in at $15k then I feel your cables should run you at least $1500 for your entire system. What? Yes, while that seems expensive for a $15k system it is right in line with my findings over the years. When I have nice cables in they mesh well with the system it can take it up several levels in refinement, air, soundstage and details.

I used to be a cable denier but over the last 10-15 years I have been converted, big time. I have heard major differences with cable swaps and yes, even have done blind tests and passed (with cables I know very well). While a speaker cable normally will not transform a system, when you get it right it will ensure your system is performing at 100% and being the best it can possibly be. Cables for me can really finish off a nice system.

I have heard of this company but never have tried any of their products. Mad Scientist always seemed to me like a small company with a guy behind it who is really passionate about what he is doing. I often find that small companies run by passionate people will almost always bring more interesting products out than some of the large corporate companies whose main interest is only the profit and bottom line.

My Nordost Red Dawn LS are light, flowy and are easily moved but Nordost cables are flat and wide vs being hose like. These Black Magic cables felt like a snake that was coiled up when fresh out of the box. When I removed them from the bags they arrived in I stretched them out with the help of my better half, Debby. Took a few seconds and then we were in business.

While these are stiff, the good news is they are easily shaped and are light in weight. I asked for a set with banana connectors and that is what showed up. There were no issues placing them in and once in, they stayed put. I loved that they were light weight as I once had a really heavy set of cables and the weight of them caused the banana connecters to bend. These are just right when it comes to weight. Not too light, not too heavy.

I am quite sure it is my DAC that is making this setup sound so darn good though as it far outclasses the amp and speakers when it comes to price. I still use and LOVE my DCS Lina DAC and Clock with Shunyata Omega Cables. With Cables, the retail on this DAC and Streamer setup is $30k yet it is right at home with the $2k Billie MKII and $2800 Buchardt S400 MKII SE. This means the Billie and Buchardt can scale up with the best of them and get even better with a truly great source.

The Black Magic cables were more on the WET side, meaning, the sound really popped with a richness and fullness that brought voices farther into the room as well. It sounded more liquid, yet still had a very wide open sound.

These are very clear sounding yet have some body and impact to them, making everything sound powerful and big if you jam out. If you prefer quiet nights, playing some Diana Krall can be as intimate as can be. Quiet, with all details and information present but with zero brightness, hardness or coldness. The spatial qualities of my gear seemed enhanced as well.

I heard more clarity, more transparency and some beautiful imaging within a deep and wide stage. More oomph again vs the Red Dawn LS, in the mids and bass. The Pass Labs stack is just such a beautiful setup.

These Black Magic cables are the kind of cables you install and then forget about cables altogether. They are that good, at least here with what I have tried them with. What about speakers that are known to be more extended in the upper end, the treble. Would these be too much of a good thing?

I love these low cost cables because they are crazy light, easy to place in the system and sound nicer in my system than most lower end speaker cables at the same (or slightly higher) price. They are very smooth and offer up a good amount of detail without being harsh. These are the cables EVERYONE should own if your system is $5k and under.

You guys who read and watch my reviews know that my main priority with a HiFi system is that it has to be musical, rich, fluid, full and make me move. I just can not get into audio gear that sounds thin, lean, hard, or with overcooked frequencies in the treble or bass.

I once heard a set of $15k speaker cables that sounded awful to me. Thin and bleached but with some pretty crazy holographic and intensely sparkly highs. I disliked them greatly and preferred the Audioquest $300 cables I had at the time. There was no body or meat, which is the part of the music that is responsible for making us move, sway or feel it with our heart.

These Black Magic cables offer up the WOW but with a musical nature and ultra realism, so I did not have that issue with these cables even though they are so revealing. The meat of the music was still there. 152ee80cbc

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