Do not use UNetBootIn to write ISO files to flashdrives. UNetBootIn modifies the bootloader configuration, which is bad. You can use this instead (where /dev/sdX is your flashdrive and file.iso is a BlackArch ISO):

In order to install BlackArch on an ARM platform, follow the install instructions for your device on and install BlackArch as an unofficial user repository. Soon we will release adaptations of the Arch Linux ARM images with BlackArch packages pre-installed.

Black Hat Linux Download


Don't worry - it's quick and painless! Just click below, and once you're logged in we'll bring you right back here and post your question. We'll remember what you've already typed in so you won't have to do it again.

I'm running Linux Mint 21.1 with Kernel 6.3.6 and i've tried installing Spotify both through the Software Manager and apt via the PPA. The executable launches and if i'm playing something in another room then I get the pop up notifications that the song has changed, but the window is just black.

I have the same problem on Kubuntu 22.04. The first time Spotify starts fine and I log in through the browser. On next start the window is black (dark grey really). Spotify works, music can be played through the system's sound controls. Installed from Spotify ppa, the version is: spotify-client/stable,now 1: amd64

and after successful installation of update, I rebooted my machine and after reboot I am only seeing black screen and also I am not able to access terminal (if display manager had broken). How to fix?

Without modesetting, you cannot run X11 or wayland, but I guess the problem is in starting the displayserver or display manager or desktop session anyway, so start by looking into the journal of the previous boot(s) to figure what actually failed.

Internet?? You'd just use another system in the same subnet.

Anyway: since you can boot w/o modeset and the other bug is recorded in the journal, lookup the journal from a previous ("failing") boot.

Without knowing the kernel version that last worked. The kernel version that the issue first occurred with.

The journal for the boot with blank screen if any is recorded I am not sure what additional help can be provided.

I've the same issue too... Ctrl + alt + f1/f2/f3 don't work... Pressing power button instantly turns off PC... It gives few boot logs with all [OK] on the side and suddenly goes blank after like 2sec... These issues started arising after I updated my windows(I'm triple booting my system with windows, ubuntu and arch) and grub disappeared... I used ubuntu live usb to get back grub but this happened after that... When secure boot was enabled it gave "bad shim signature. you need to load kernel first"... Disabling secure boot gave the blank screen problem..

I installed latest stable Manjaro then i used the utility to install proprietary drivers. After restarting it displays three loading rectangles of Manjaro then screen goes completely black. If i need to reinstall to fix issue how can i prevent this behavior? Maybe the utility installed wrong driver.

My GPU model is Nvidia GTX 1660 Super. Hope you can help about this.

So current problem tty1 spawns display server in tty2 weirdly.


Well after reinstalling the GDM my problem is solved. There is some 1 sec delay after login but it works. Probably because it is installed in HDD. Thanks for your interest @Fabby

Exact C - programs i am not able to found. like simple c program to

initialize the UART with baud rate and other information and writing some

data using buffer and i should see the data printing on to the mini com..

Hello Everyone out there,

I am using Beaglebone black and i have a PCB connected to it, in which i have RS485 driver and i want to transmit and receive modbus frame in c code.

in this i have to set enable pin of rs485 high before transmit and low after transmit but the problem is that transmission function is running but before transmitting full frame pin sets low in between them i just want 4.2ms delay but i am not able to do this, i tried mutex, sleep(), usleep(), nanosleep() function but nothing is happening according to my requirement can anyone have idea how to solve this issue?

edit: I had shadows turned off is why I never noticed the flickering, just had it happen after enabling shadows and it does look like someone flicking a light switch really fast. Game then crashed when I tried to leave the area. Updated my log file.

And what settings on V-sync @clashrep?

You mentioned that once the game started up black when entering the world, I had that problem as well once.

Also the error occurred at different times and at different places, just to make it clear.

Is there a reliable build of the Linux kernel for the BeagleBone Black platform anywhere ? I've followed the instructions here, as well as numerous other places, and none of them work. Either the modules don't build (the .ko files just don't get built and can't be found in the case of the link above), or there's missing build targets for the kernel. I'm using the Linaro ARM compiler (arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc) cross compiling on 32-bit x86 Ubuntu 14.04.

In the cases where I could compile a kernel, I copied it to a fresh, vanilla board in memory using a TFTP boot server from U-Boot, and booted the kernel in memory. However, none of the successfully compiled kernels could work properly because they were missing their modules / firmware / dtbs. What could be causing the incorrect patching ? Surely, the developers who've written the code and patches must have tested it, so there may be something wrong with my workspace, though I can't imagine what at this point. The commands I used were the same as those at link 1.

If you replace the existing zImage and am335x-boneblack.dtb with new ones directly and they don't work, you will be in trouble. I stored the new images in a folder in /boot/uboot and manipulated environment variables in uboot to pick the one i wanted.

Yeah, the documentation is really out of date (circa 2011 or early 2012) and very confusing. First, the github/beagleboard/kernel area says it is deprecated and to use beagleboard/linux for the kernel. BUT, it is still be actively used 1) to add patches that have not been accepted to the kernel tree yet and 2) to add kernel configs specifically for the beaglebone devel builds. The bb.org_defconfig in the kernel tree does not turn on some debug stuff.

I want to ask someone help...

I try to install Linux Garuda on my machine using a seperate SSD but everytime i try to boot on Garuda i choose Garuda with Nvidia Drivers and then i have a black screen for like hours...

Pretty sure something is wrong with my BIOS config but can't find what...

I desactivated the Secure Boot and the Fast Boot but nothing change at all.

The BIOS is in UEFI mode but even in LEGACY + UEFI that doesn't change anything.

Could this be the same issue as yours?


Unfortunately it's still unsolved and the last comment with a "fix" was "deactivating the integrated graphics in the BIOS" which probably you don't have. Give a look at the BIOS anyway...

PS: I merged your other post into this one. Please do not cross-post.

When I run UnrealEditor, the project browser, it appears full screen and the window appears black and blocked only in my maximum screen resolution at 5120x1440 @ 120hz, but if I set my display a little lower and re-run UnrealEditor, for example, 3840x1080 @ 120hz the Project Explorer open and appears correctly.

But the problem is that the application keeps the metrics resolution, so if after run app and switch to maximum resolution and I move the window to the edge of my screen the menus do not open in the right place. See the following screenshot please.

That is bad. To find what block of puzzle is broken, I recommend to change them. For example, Install Gnome and run existing UE. If no luck than compile UE under Gnome. Of course, if you have time and free space. If I will find solution, I will post here.

I found the SDL2 library used for 2D rendering of window decorations problematic during a debugging session. Because, when detecting the screen size, the value returns are bad and must create a bug in the window rendering process.

After switching the theme in Code Composer studio 9.0 (CDT 9.5) from default to dark-Linux there are same currently-selected color preferences which aren't displaying properly - of black text on the dark theme, as appears in the image attached. Can they be changed? After searching trough all color specifications I couldn't find anything appropriate. Thanks, Amitai

I'm using Unraid version 6.9.2 and I'm attempting to create a Linux VM, specifically Pop OS 21.10, without Nvidia drivers. When I first created the VM, it booted to the installation screen and I walked through the wizard just fine. Once the VM rebooted, I've only been met with a black screen... 152ee80cbc

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