Previously, when I would threshold one of my images with the dark background feature checked, the background would be white and the cells I was counting would be black and upon analyzing the particles I would get an accurate cell count. However now when I threshold doing the same thing, the background is black and the cells are white. When I change the thresholding bars to make the background white and cells black it just counts the background as one large cell and gives me a very low count of about 1 or 2.

Please see an example below

The image on the left is what is occurring now, where as the image on the right is what the thresholded image looked like before when I was counting. However Now when I threshold to make it look like the image on the right the background is being counted as one cell instead of counting the cells in the image.

Black And White Background Download


Bring that color clip to your timeline and place it on v1 and extend it for as long as you want your video to last. Place all of your pictures on video tracks above v1. Now, you will have a white background for your video.

On channel V1 I made the white color according to your instructions (4:3 ratio) and then, I put in channel V2 video with black background. (Also 4:3 ratio). I exported the project, but the background remains black. can you help me?

Both channels are in visible condition.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, your video has black padding in it instead of transparency. Also, you probably want the height to fill the output video frame. If so, add Rotate and Scale filter to increase the size using the Scale parameter. In either case, next add the Crop: Rectangle filter. In the crop, filter you need to change Padding color. Click the color block to open the color dialog, set Alpha channel to 0, and click OK.

I think you have lost the point of the Crop:Rectangle filter. You can crop your video to get rid off the black in the background. To remove the black, what you need to do is in the Crop: Retangle filter, set Padding Color, his alpha channel to a value equal 0, so you will only see the rectangle you have selected with the clipping (crop filter)

And the second qu estion: you need to cut the video on each photo and then apply the crop on each piece.

Interestingly Garmin doesn't even mention "selecting a black background" in their post Maximizing Battery Life, so Forerunner is probably correct in stating that the difference is negligible. I did a bit of testing on my tablet where there should theoretically be a significant difference, and I couldn't see any. But I would be curious to hear if anybody has run actual tests on a Garmin watch.

while the face is quite populated, it appealed to me due to extremely fast and low power cons. parameters. But! The moment I switched it to white mode, it started eating 0.3-0.4% per hour instead of 0.1 previously.

Hi @readabouthorses, a white item on a white background is a great example of a time where a white background would not be advisable. The item should be clearly visible, but a different neutral background would be best in this situation. For most items, a white background would be the best option, but the most important factor is simply a neutral background devoid of patterns or color (ie. white, black, beige/canvas, etc.)

So there was a certain amount of discussion of this on a thread dedicated to GTC and it was pointed out by Ebay folks (see above) that for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that it is best to have a plain background, at least for your initial photo.

Okay, whether it is white or black or beige - many of us do not have photography studios. Up until now, I always thought the idea was to have the photo be eye-catching: glassware up to the light, clothing on a model or displayed on a stand. Nice scenery in the background. Stuff on a plain background to me is more of a commodity presentation. How important really IS this? I bought a few poster boards to set a few things up on, like books - but I sure as heck don't have anywhere to set up a full photography studio for my (very) varied items (I'm a downsizer).

I have solid black and white boards that I use whenever possible, but no set up other than that. I can't brag about being good at photographing anything because I'm not, but I must admit your first photo made me a bit dizzy.

Those look GREAT to me. they would attract my eye if I was shopping for that type of item. But what i am hearing is that you are putting yourself at a SEO disadvantage here because the background is not "plain".

I bought a gray fabric bulletin board at Home Goods for pictures of earrings. It works out good since I keeps them in place. I also got a plain white curtain and put up in a doorway for clothing photos, but I'm not really happy with the way it looks. I have a wall in my living room that has a gray faux wood wallpaper on it that I used once that I like but then I would have to move my couch every time. lol I will check out the backdrops @bktime suggested. I read somewhere that after white gray was the next best background color.

body { background-color: #101010; color: #ffffff;}h1 { color: #ffffff;}nav a { color: #ffffff;}footer { color: #ffffff;} Home Site Index Home Blog News Contact Us This is the section This is my home page of my test HTML web page. Right now i am using a HTML style on this paragraph. It uses a hexidecimal color, font size of 16 px and text shadow.  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Fawcett, All rights reserved 

Is it possible to set the background to black when click from 1 page to another? Right now the website load perfectly with the black background, it's just that when I navigate from one page to another the page flickr for a second.....

Not using only CSS. The browser's default color for the background is white, so the flicker you see is the default coming through for a split second before it has a chance to read the CSS rule to make it black.

Setting color-scheme: dark light; style on the root html element or a color-scheme meta tag appears to do the trick for avoiding the white flash for users with dark mode set. This tells the browser that the page is suitable for both light and dark mode, so it knows that it can use the darkmode UA (user agent) styles which includes a dark background color.

The downsides (or maybe upside, depending) is that it will change how the browser renders various built-in elements to fit the appropriate theme the user/developer desires. CSS Tricks has some examples of that. The snippet below shows that for an input, it changes to a dark background.

I had this problem when I installed Ubuntu-Gnome 13.10. For me, in order to use a background, I can not use the settings as they just leave me a white screen. Instead, I choose any screen I want to use with Firefox. I right click on the image and choose to use as background. This actually works with the options for stretch, fit, tile, etc.

Colors with a perceived brightness near the middle (e.g. 120-140) will be more subjective. For example, it's debatable whether red (FF0000), which evaluates to 139, is clearer with a black or white overlay.

This isn't directly relevant to the question (since it doesn't mention Unity), but for any other readers out there who are using Unity & the UnityEngine.Color struct, note that they already have a property you can leverage to implement something like this: Color.grayscale, which returns a float 0-1, similar to the "PerceivedBrightness" function mentioned in the main answer (it uses the same values of r*.299, g*.587, b*.114). It will be closer to 0 for black/dark colors, and closer to 1 for white/bright colors.

One idea would be to get each pixel colour in RGB, average the values (to get the greyscale value) and then average the greyscale value of each pixel across the image. If this comes out > 128 then it could be condidered to be "white". If < 128 then "black". Basically you are deciding which side of the mid-grey dividing line the images pixel intensities average out to.

Here at Angstrom, we strive to provide a solution to all of your inspection needs - our one-of-a-kind inspection backgrounds are specifically designed and manufactured with the USP , USP , and USP visual inspection requirements. Each background is made to sit on a flat surface or be attached to a wall, allowing for a consistent inspection setup & designed to make foreign particles stand out clearly in sterile containers and solutions during a manual visual inspection.

Per USP , each individual injectable CSP (Compounded Sterile Preparation) unit must be inspected against a white background and a black background for evidence of visible particulates, discolorations, or other foreign matter.

Angstrom recognizes that each cleanroom environment has unique needs so we offer several variations of the visual inspection background, as well as the option of working with our experts to create a custom-designed product just for your cleanroom! 

Angstrom is proud to offer a unique product within the cleanroom industry - the Black & White Visual Inspection Background. We strive to provide a solution to all of your inspection needs - our one-of-a-kind inspection backgrounds are specifically designed and manufactured with the USP and USP visual inspection requirements in mind. This background is made to sit on a flat surface, allowing for a consistent inspection setup & designed to make foreign particles stand out clearly in sterile containers and solutions during a manual visual inspection.

Angstrom is proud to offer a unique product within the cleanroom industry - the Black & White Visual Inspection Background. We strive to provide a solution to all of your inspection needs - our one-of-a-kind inspection backgrounds are specifically designed and manufactured with the USP and USP visual inspection requirements in mind. This background is made to sit on a flat surface, allowing for a consistent inspection setup & designed to make foreign particles stand out clearly in sterile containers and solutions during a manual visual inspection. With an attached fluorescent light-bulb, the background can be used in nearly any type of lighting and still be effective. 2351a5e196

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