Bristol Junior Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar

The Bristol Junior Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar is a seminar series primarily aimed at PhD students and postdocs in algebra and combinatorics. The aim of the seminar is to provide junior researchers in algebra and combinatorics the opportunity to talk about their work or any topic of their interest in those areas in a friendly and informal context. People from other areas of mathematics that are interested in algebra and combinatorics are also most welcome to attend. 

The seminar takes place on Wednesdays from 2.30 to 3.30 pm at Room G.07 in the Fry Building. Please see the schedule below for more information.

If you are interested in giving a talk, suggesting future speakers, or signing up for the seminar mailing list, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the organisers:

Next Seminar

There is no upcoming seminar for this term. The seminar will resume in the academic year 2024/25.

2023/24 TB2 Speakers

24 January Stelios Stylianou (Bristol) A voting problem in Euclidean space

7 February David Guo (Bristol) Uniform Dα property in polycyclic groups

21 February  James Maxwell (Bristol) Connecting Tropical Geometry and Rigidity Theory

6 March Asier Calbet Rípodas (Queen Mary) The asymptotic behaviour of sat(n, F)

13 March Panagiotis Spanos (Rhur Universität Bochum) Nilpotent Groups, Transitive Graphs and Percolation

20 March Eileen Pan (Warwick) Some primitive coset actions in G_2(q)

17 April Marco Fusari (Milan Bicocca) Cliques in derangement graphs 

24 April Jonathan Passant (Bristol) Which discrete structures can we count using groups? 

1 May Pavel Turek (Royal Holloway) Plethystic Murnaghan-Nakayama rule: proof using Loehr’s labelled abacus 

8 May Bob Dabson (City) Periodic Modules and Perverse Equivalences 

22 May Jamie Mason (Birmingham) (2,p)-Generation of the Suzuki Groups and other Exceptional Groups of Lie Type