i2p provides a similar anonymity layer although in that case, one can only download torrents that have been uploaded to the i2p network.[34] The bittorrent client Vuze allows users who are not concerned about anonymity to take clearnet torrents, and make them available on the i2p network.[35]

I have just found the time to start learning about our new firewall. As a test I have tried creating a policy for blocking bittorrent traffic, but it seems to have only limited effect. Transmission still happily downloads the torrent although I can see from the logs in the firewall that at least some of the traffic is being denied.

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That should cover all of the various bittorrent apps like ares, kazaa, and even generic-p2p apps. Plus, if Palo Alto ever adds another bittorrent app in their app/content releases, the app will automatically be added to your policy.

I tried your suggestion on building the application filter, but unfortunately the result is much the same. It still can't identify all the bittorrent traffic. I think the traffic that is missed is classified as 'unknown-tcp' and 'incomplete'.

Now we are getting somewhere. If you are seeing insufficient-data in the log, that means the firewall did not collect enough packets to determine what the application was. For unknown-tcp, you might want to take a packet capture and submit that to Palo Alto Support. Maybe they need to adjust the decoder for bittorrent traffic.

The firewall is capable of identifying a number of p2p applications already through app-id. Look through applipedia and see what applications you actually want to block and deny the applications in your security rulebase as you see fit. For example, you can already block 'bittorrent', 'tor', 'tor2web', and a number of other applications through app-id.

I want to learn more about the bittorrent way of file sharing. I am a technically advanced user (programmer), so technically advanced material is no problem, but it should be concise and to the point. I need a good resource book/web which explains the overall bittorrent architecture.

So programmatically, a connection has to start between two clients. After the connection is set (through TCP or uTP), a bittorrent handshake is initiated by the client which grabbed remote peer's information (ip&port) from tracker or through DHT. This handshake contains the info_hash that identify the torrent this connection will be about.

If you are running windows why not just use the native windows apps of Sonarr and Qbittorrent?

With that being said did you input the right username and password in Sonarr when you set up Qbittorrent? You could also try a different docker image.

And how are your folders mapped? Trash Guides has a good tutorial on how to configure and map folders

Received word today that someone is distributing copyright material via bittorrent on our network. I have Omada equipment from the switch out. Before the switch is a TPlink Router and a ISP Provided Modem in passthrough.

@Tedd404 thanks for the reply but I have already researched that option. In the past it was a somewhat viable solution but bittorrent has progressed to the point that you would need to block all ports, which ends up effecting normal operation. From what I have read DPI is the more recent methodl but still not 100% effective. Regardless Tp-Link, despite being a "business solution" does not have any hardware that does this.

@RickJamesBish If you're looking to block bittorrent activity on your network, you can try using Omada's built-in QoS (Quality of Service) feature. This will allow you to prioritize traffic on your network and ensure that any bittorrent downloads don't take up too much bandwidth. You might also want to consider purchasing a firewall to help manage the traffic on your network.

I ended up getting the Ubiquiti Dream Machine, which after testing, at the very least disrupts bittorrent activity and also lets us know who is using it. I have learned by trial and error that TPlinks "business line" of products, falls well short of being what it claims. Ubiquiti cost more but it definitely holds up to its enterprise grade claims. Since our entire network is comprised of Tplink Omada, and quite new, we are going to replace it all in stages with Ubiquiti.

Any idea how i could stop the notification completely. I have feeling bittorrent still trying to access my machine but how i will be able to remove this completely. The pop up message is really annoying.

The problem is, several of the tennants are downloading illegal movies/music via bittorrent. As a result, the MPAA and RIAA is sending "nastygrams" to the owner of the internet connection (ie. apartment owner) concerning the illegal downloads.

What I'd like to know is if anyone out there has a clever/inexpensive solution for this problem? QoS apparently only works up to a point because bittorrent can use pretty much any port it wants. Packet inspection doesn't work on encrypted connections, etc.

ANSWER: Selected Justin Scott's answer as the correct answer because of his suggestion to use managed switches and MRTG. While it would have been nicer to block bittorrent or at least make it EXTREMELY difficult MRTG and a managed switch will allow us to easily identify the offender(s).

Hi all,

I'd like to set up my own bittorrent tracker but it seems like linux is a bit of a poor relative in this area. 

I know I can use bttrack.py from the bittorrent source, but is there a nice front-end that I can use. There's tons for windows and they all look good, but when I go to localhost:6969 all I get is a load of hashes! not very exciting.

I heard about bytemonsoon and phptracker but these projects seem to be dead.

Are there any bittorrent experts out there who can point me in the right direction?



Nice idea - I know when I tried the python tracker that all torrent info is stored in one file, like you say - dstate. All the info from this file gets published on localhost:6969 (or whatever) just as tracker stats, and not in a form where you can actually click and download torrent files. To get this done, you need to run a webserver yourself and make any torrent files you've created available as normal static files. This is the bit where your steps 2-4 come in. I haven't read enough yet to know exactly what happens at this point, but obviously there needs to be interaction between your webserver and the tracker - I'm not sure how bnbt handle this exactly, but I'll find out!

just running a tracker is not too demanding in itself - there's a guy from slackware on the bnbt forum who said that all their bittorrent iso releases are handled on an amd k6-2 550! It's when you start getting into fully functioning web pages with forums, etc., that interact with the tracker, that you get into real server load issues...

this is a really interesting area, I think - bt is one of the most innovative things to come around for ages, and if you have a (fairly) static ip and a webserver anyone can make anything they want available to a lot of people (if its not copyrighted of course)- thinking back to what napster/kazaa was like, they seems positively primeval!

Recently I installed qBitTorrent so I could download some episodes of a Creative Commons-licensed TV series. I simply used apt-get install qbittorrent, ran qbittorrent, then added the torrent files, and pressed "start". I noticed that the series would take too long to download, so I quit qBitTorrent when it was at 10%. The next day, I launched qBitTorrent again, and was surprised to find the downloads complete. Either the 2.5 GBs downloaded within 3 seconds or something else occurred.

I have been using Qbittorrent on windows and most definitely after I quit it remains active, but there is no trace of it on the desktop except among the running processes in Win 10.I don't run it on Linux, so I don't know the difference between the two, but on Windows 10 Qbittorrent never really quits. I have to restart to make sure it's not in the background.Additionally, it doesn't seem to respond to a Force Quit either. It just sits there, consuming 0% CPU like a ghost.

Hey guys, I am interested in writing an application involving bittorrents.

After looking around a bit I found a couple libraries, but they all did not really do what I wanted.

I am looking for an implementation of bittorrent in Rust that I can use as reliable part of my application.

I found: 0852c4b9a8

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