Allow Automatic Updating

If you are using DAN On Demand, it's owned by Bitter and the steps are the same for you!

If you were taken here from Twitter, please follow these directions to allow Bitter to automatically update.

You can click Back to Twitter at the top-right corner of the page to go back to Twitter once you're done.

On versions 1.5 and newer, you will automatically get updates for the latest version of Bitter.

It's my first time allowing automated updates! 

When you first install Bitter and go to Twitter, you'll be greeted by this screen...

Make sure you click Always allow domain. This allows Bitter to check for updates. If you don't allow access, you'll be redirected to this lovely page!

If for some reason it's an absolute emergency and you can't allow access to check for updates, you access Twitter via TweetDeck, which doesn't run Bitter:

HELP! I selected "Always Forbid Domain" or "Don't Ask Again"! What should I do?

You'll need to factory reset TamperMonkey and reinstall Bitter.

Once factory resetted, you'll need to reinstall Bitter by following the installation guide as per usual.

What will happen if an update is released?

If an update comes out, when you load Twitter you'll be met with this screen. Simply click OK then Update to update Bitter. If you want to use Twitter and don't care about the update, you can press Cancel to ignore it until next time you re-open Twitter.