Grupo de Física de Materiais

Materials Physics Group

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF)

Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF)

Laboratório de Síntese de Monocristais - Single Crystal Synthesis Lab

We are an experimental condensed matter physics group at CBPF since July 2013, focused on the design and synthesis of novel unconventional materials. We are interested in (but not limited to) superconductivity, heavy fermion systems, local and itinerant magnetism, charge density wave systems, quantum phase transitions, topological materials. Our goal is to produce high-quality materials for detailed investigations, especially in the form of single crystals, hoping to find exciting compounds showing exotic physical proprieties and potential for applications.

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Job openings

We are constantly looking for enthusiastic undergraduate and graduate students to join. No prior experience is required.

  • For postdoc candidates, a Ph.D. degree in experimental condensed matter physics is required. Interested candidates, please e-mail your CV and a brief description of your research interests.

  • Ph.D. and postdoc candidates from developing countries can also apply for a TWAS fellowship.