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What is a Bitss?

A bitss is a custom-made sub-domain owned by the company Bitss. 


A bitss is a sub-domain that matches the word or phrase being searched.  All you need to do is add your brand or message to create your bitss link.


A bitss sub-domain is unique to the one who holds it and can't be used by anyone else.  


A bitss is not a shortened URL that is randomly generated. 


A bitss is a digital real estate. It is similar to owning real estate with its address in the physical world.


A bitss is a dynamic URL where you can change its target destination.  Imagine having one address, but you can change your house whenever possible!  That is cool!

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Why is my message/brand name invalid?

When you enter your brand/message, make sure they are only letters and numbers. You cannot have spaces or special characters (/-!@#$%^&*=+\?";':) in your brand/message. 

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What is a target URL?

The target URL is the destination URL.  A target URL can be the following:

·       website domain

·       social media links (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

·       YouTube video

·       shareable document (pdf, word, etc.)

·       image from a website

·       any URL link that is compatible with us

To create a bitss link or bitss URL, you can refer to "How To Create A Bitss URL."

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Is using Bitss free?

You can create bitss links for free even if you are not a registered user. However, your link expires within 24 hours. 


To enjoy and test our product, you can register and get a free trial for 100 clicks per bitss.

During the trial period, you have full access to all the features a registered user would have. Although you have to be aware that the bitss you create are all temporary, you do not own them. A paid subscriber can take ownership of test bitss.  This also applies to unregistered users.

Bitss links are rare, and subscribed users have the first rights to own bitss links. 

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If I have multiple Tiers, can I switch by bitss to move to another Tier?

Yes you can!

Even though each Tier will have its expiration date and features (standard/premium), once you own a stack of Tiers, you can interchange your bitss to switch to the Tier you prefer. This feature is helpful, especially when you want to organize your bitss.

For example, your current subscription is Tier 3/Premium, and you also have Tier 1/Premium. You want to organize your bitss by their use based on your campaign. You can switch bitss from one Tier to another only if the Tier you are changing to has available slots for your bitss. 

Please refer to the pricing page for the allowed number of bitss you can own per Tier. 


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I have multiple Tiers. Which one has available slots?

You can view all your subscriptions under the My Subscription page. To access this page, click the top right menu with your username or the left side menu when using your myBitss.  

Under My Subscription, you will see the list of all your active and inactive subscriptions. 

You will be able to identify the "Type of Subscription," the total number of bitss that you can create, and the remaining slots in that subscription. You can also see the date you started your subscription and the expiry date.


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I made a mistake in creating my bitss link; how do I correct it?

You cannot edit your bitss.  If you want to change your bitss, your option is to delete it and recreate it.  All other options to manage your bitss is found in the Action column. You can refer to How to use the Action Menu in myBitss.” 

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I just created a Bitss, why did it disappear the next day? 

When you create a bitss, the expiration depends on your subscription cycle.


If the bitss you created is under a promotion, they will have a different expiry date. You may also want to check the expiry of the promotion to see if that was the reason. 

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I just created a bitss; why is it not appearing in myBitss?

The only reason why the Bitss you created will not appear in myBitss is that you created the Bitss while you are not logged in.


If you accidentally created a Bitss while you are not logged in, you can log in and recreate it again. 

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I have a Wallet Balance, what can I use this for? 

You can use your wallet balance to pay for your subscription or if you want to upgrade your service or to any future services that Bitss will provide that would allow you to use your wallet balance. 

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I forgot to save the QR code after creating my bitss. 

If you are a registered user, you can log in to your account and re-create a copy of your QR code under myBitss.


If you are a registered user, you can log in to your account and re-create a copy of your QR code under myBitss.  You can refer to “How to use the myBitss action menu” and go to “Generate QR Code.”

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I accidentally deleted a bitss, how can I recover it? 

Typically, you cannot accidentally delete a bitss as it requires a two-step confirmation before you can delete it. Unfortunately, there is no way that you can recover deleted bitss.


The simple way to recover your bitss is to recreate it.  You can use the bits as long as no other user is using the bitss.


If you need to know the information from your old bitss, you can get the information by going to the “Deleted” bitss under the “Status Filter” section of myBitss.   To find this option, refer to "How To Use myBitss." 

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I forgot to renew my account on time! Will I lose my bitss?

If you forget to renew your account on time, all your bitss will be flagged as expired. 


Do not worry. The solution is to renew your subscription. If no other user has taken the bitss, your bitss inventory will be intact. 

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I temporarily disabled my bitss, and when I returned to enable it, it disappeared.

The only reason a disabled bitss will disappear from your myBitss is somebody used them while it was disabled. 


Before you disable a bitss, our system asks for your confirmation -- "Warning: Disabling a Bitss is like deleting it. If you disable a Bitss, another user can use it. When this happens, you can no longer enable your Bitss until the other user deletes or disable that Bitss."


This is why it is crucial to be really cautious before disabling your bitss.

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I forgot my password.

When you log in, click the link that says “Forgot password.”  The next screen will ask you for your email address to verify your identity.


Open the email sent and follow the instructions to reset your password. 

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How many bitss can I create as a non-registered user?

If you are a non-registered user, you can only create one bitss, and those bitss expire after 24 hours. 

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Can I subscribe to multiple Tiers (Tier Stacking)?

Yes you can!

This is a unique feature we provide for our users called Tier stacking.

Tier stacking is buying several Tiers using one account. 

For example, your current subscription is Tier 3/Standard, with 12 standard bitss. Now you want to add three more bitss, but this time you want to use premium bitss. You can go to our pricing page, buy Tier 1/Premium, and add it to your existing subscription. Now you can use 15 bitss (12 Standard plus 3 Premium bitss).

The beauty of Tier stacking is that there is no limit on how many Tiers you can buy, which is really cool!

Even though each Tier will have its expiration date and features (standard/premium), once you own a stack of Tiers, you can interchange your bitss to switch to the Tier you prefer. This feature is helpful, especially when you want to organize your bitss.

For example, your current subscription is Tier 3/Premium, and you also have Tier 1/Premium. You want to organize your bitss by their use based on your campaign. You can switch bitss from one Tier to another only if the Tier you are changing to has available slots for your bitss. 

Please refer to the pricing page for the allowed number of bitss you can own per Tier. 


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Can I reuse the link I created before? 

If the bitss you want to reuse is either disabled or expired and you wish to reuse them, yes, you can.  You can re-create the same bitss, or if it is disabled, enable the bitss (you can do this by referring to How To Use The Action Menu In myBitss”). 


As long the bitss you want to reuse is not being used by another user, you can reactive it easily.  If another user is already using the bitss, you have to wait until the other user disables or deletes it from their side. 

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Can I extend the use of my Bitss? 

As long as you have an active subscription, you can keep using your bitss. 

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Can I customize the duration of specific bitss that I create? 

The duration of your bitss is dependent on your subscription. If you want to keep only a specific number of bitss to keep, you can move to the Tier that is right for you. 

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Can I upgrade my Tier?

Yes. You can upgrade your subscription anytime. When you upgrade your Bitss before the end of your billing cycle, Bitss will calculate your usage, and we will credit the unused portion to be given to you as a credit in your wallet balance.  

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Can I downgrade my Tier? 

Yes. You can downgrade your Tier anytime. The only restriction for this is you have to have the required number of Bitss before you can downgrade.


Example – If you are subscribed to Tier 2 (7 Bitss) and want to downgrade to Tier 1 (3 Bitss), you have to delete 4 Bitss first before you are allowed to downgrade.


When you downgrade your Bitss before the end of your billing cycle, Bitss will calculate your usage, and we will credit the unused portion of your subscription. We will place that credit in your “Wallet Balance” found in your myBitss dashboard that you can use to pay for your ongoing subscription. 

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Can I cash out my Wallet Balance?

Currently, this is manually done in the system.  You can only cash out your Wallet Balance if you cancel your subscription.  Active subscribed users do not have this option. 

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Can I stack coupons? (stacking- adding more than one coupon) 

Only 1 coupon can be used at a certain time

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Can I use my bitss for commercial purposes? 

Yes, you absolutely can.  It’s a great advertising tool and can make your promotion links and ad posters reusable. 

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The confirm button disappeared when I was selecting a Category for my bitss.

The confirm button disappears when our system finds a match of an active bitss that is the same as what you are making. 

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I’m getting 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)

A 502 Bad Gateway Error is a general indicator of something wrong with a website's server communication. Since it's just a generic error, it doesn't tell you the website's exact issue.


Sometimes server connectivity issues are resolved relatively quickly. Wait a minute or two. Then reload the page. If the page loads without an error, this might've been a temporary connection problem.


If the page is still giving you an error, clear your browser cache and then try refreshing it once more.

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How do I get a coupon code? 

Coupon codes are acquired through promotions by bitss. These features will be available in the future. 

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