Terms of Service

Terms of Service


“Account” means an account you create when you access the Services.

“Community Rules” means the rules of conduct that govern your interaction with our Services and other players, which can be found here.

“Feature Terms” means any other rules related to specific services, like platforms and APIs, applications for mobile devices, forums, contests, subscriptions or loyalty programs that we may publish, which apply to your use of those specific services and state they are part of these Terms.

“Offers” means special programs, including offers, excursions, and special gifts, both digital and tactile, that we may offer from time to time to certain eligible players.

“Services” means our games, products, services, content, and/or other domains or websites operated by us.

“Terms of Service” or “Terms” means these terms of service.

“User Content” means all the data that you upload, transmit, create, or generate on or through the Services. This includes things like your profile picture, your in-game text or video chat, and your in-game art or other content authored or designed by you.

“Virtual Items” means (a) virtual currency, including without limitation virtual coins, cash, tokens, or points, all for use in the Services and (b) virtual in-game items.

Account Information and Security

In order to use our Services, we may ask you to create an Account and select a password and/or provide us with certain personal information, which may include your name, birthdate, e-mail address, and, in some cases, payment information. This information will be held and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

You agree to supply us with accurate, complete, and up-to-date information, particularly your email address.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your Account. Don’t share your Account details with others or allow others to access or use your Account. We will treat all acts performed through your Account as being performed by you. You therefore accept responsibility for all acts done using your Account, whether or not authorized by you, including purchases made using any payment instrument (for example, credit card or PayPal), and you understand you may be held liable for losses incurred by us or any other user of the Services caused by someone else using your Account.

If you become aware of any actual or suspected loss, theft, fraud, or unauthorized use of your Account or Account password, please tell us immediately.

Your Responsibility in Using Service

You agree that, while using the our Service, you will not, under any circumstances:

• send, post, transmit, or make available any material or information that may be abusive, threatening obscene, defamatory, libelous, or racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise objectionable or offensive;

• stalk, harass, threaten, or defraud other our Service users or any members of our support personnel;

• use, develop, or distribute any robot, spider, unauthorized script, unauthorized scraper or offline reader, or any other cheat, mod, hack or the like, or any unauthorized third-party software designed to modify or interfere with or provide automated access to or use of the our Service;

• interfere with or disable any security-related features of the our Service, or any part thereof;

• damage, disable, overburden, or impair the our Service, including, without limitation, by (a) sending, posting, transmitting or distributing anything that contains a virus, spyware, or other harmful material intended to damage or interfere with the our Service or (b) attempting to disrupt servers that relate to the our Service;

• make improper use of our support services, including, without limitation, by submitting false abuse reports;

• misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information sent, posted, transmitted, or made available via the our Service;

• create a false identity or impersonate another person or entity, including, without limitation, identities falsely indicating that you are a our official or representative, message board or community board moderator, another user or host, or that you are a celebrity or public figure;

• decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive any code, underlying ideas, or algorithms of any part of the our Service;

• modify any part of the our Service without our prior written consent;

• send, post, transmit, or make available any content or information that may infringe any person or entity’s intellectual property rights or other property or personal rights, including rights of privacy and publicity;

• buy, sell, trade, or advertise to sell any virtual currency or items or Game Account for commercial purposes;

• send, post, transmit, or make available any unsolicited or inappropriate content or other unsolicited or unauthorized commercial or promotional content, information, or communications without our prior written consent;

• develop, distribute, or publicly inform other members of “auto” software programs, “macro” software programs, or other “cheat utility” software programs or applications in violation of the applicable License Agreements;

• exploit, distribute, or publicly inform other members of any game error, miscue, or bug which gives an unintended advantage;

• attempt to collect any personal information about any our Service users or to disclose such information;

• share the password of the Account or other information that let anyone else access your Game Account;

• access another our Service user’s Game Account without permission;

• assist, permit, or encourage any party in engaging in any of the activities described in the above listing; and

• use our Service in any manner that may violate any applicable laws or regulations or is prohibited by our Policy.

Third Party Advertising

We may feature advertisements from third parties or provide links on the our Service to third party websites or vendors who may invite you to participate in a promotional offer in return for receiving an optional component of our Service and/or benefits (such as virtual items or virtual currency). Any charges or obligations you incur in your dealings with these third parties are your sole responsibility. We make no representation or warranty regarding any content, goods, and/or services provided by any third party, and will not be liable for any claim relating to any third party content, goods, and/or services. The linked sites are not under the control of us and may collect data or solicit personal information from you. We are not responsible for their content, business practices, or privacy policies, or for the collection, use, or disclosure of any information those sites may collect.

Promotions and offers

From time to time, we may offer limited-time promotions. Please review the official rules or Feature Terms (if any) associated with any promotion. They will apply in addition to these Terms.

In addition, from time to time, we may promote Offers. We are not required to give, and you are not required to accept, any Offer. Offers are not transferable, redeemable, or exchangeable for other things of value, except at our sole discretion. If you accept any Offer, you may have to sign a declaration of eligibility and liability release or other paperwork to receive the Offer. Some Offers will be subject to taxes and other charges, travel, or activities outside of the virtual world, all of which will be disclosed before you accept the offer. If you accept any Offer, you assume all liability associated with the Offer.

SMS Notifications, Push Notifications, Local Notifications & e-Mail notification

We may send local or push notifications to your mobile device to make you aware of game updates, promotional events, new game information, and other relevant messages regarding the game service. You can manage push notifications from the “options” or “settings” page within the relevant game. You may also be able to manage them from your device’s settings page for the relevant game.

Also, we may send email to your email account to make you aware of game updates, promotional events, new game information, and other relevant messages regarding the game service. If you do not want to receive our email notification, please contact us.

We will not send any SMS notification to your mobile device unless we obtain affirmative express consent from you in compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.

Force Majeure

We will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform resulting from any cause outside the reasonable control of us, including, without limitation, any failure to perform under the our Policy due to unforeseen cause beyond our control, such as acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, change of law or administrative rules, fire, floods, network infrastructure failures, cyber crimes, strikes, or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials


The translation of the English language version of the our Policy is provided for informational purposes only and does not modify the English language version of our Policy. If there is a conflict between the English language version of our Policy and its translation, the English language version of our Policy will control.